
Also, the “cake” quote was doing the rounds before she was born.

Also, where exactly does it say that the bible is the direct word of god?

I am certainly open to viewpoints that differ from mine. I don’t pretend to have all the answers. As I understand it, the bible makes virtually no mention of homosexuality one way or another.

Yeah, no. Go back and actually read that bit yourself instead of relying on some bigot literature doing the heavy lifting for you. That’s the story where the saintly Lot invites the community to gang-rape his daughters.

Yes, hide who you are so the bigots can pretend you don’t exist.

My guess is that they can’t even spell “precedent”, let alone understand what it means.

It’s... okay. Kinda bland. I mean couldn’t they at least have given her a Joisey accent? And yeah, the animation looks cheap. I think I saw one episode of this show when it first started and it was really bad. Plot didn’t make sense, characterisation was zero, and the animation was actually worse. So... it’s better

When I was growing up, it was the IRA. My first job we were told how to deal with a bomb threat or suspicious packages in the mall where I worked. There will always be people who think it achieves something to kill a bunch of people, other than make everyone who is left really pissed at them.

I really wanted to love the Ghostbusters reboot, especially after all the shit it got from the alt-rights and misogynists. Sadly, it just wasn’t that funny. I mean it was okay. But okay isn’t really what you’re looking for in something like that.

So this is the most successful DC movie to date? And Harley Quin was the breakout character of Suicide Squad, enough to get her own movie. I’m just hoping the idiots in charge see this as a trend and greenlight lots more female led superhero movies.

I was in an online game yesterday and heard someone use the word “nignog”, a British variant that I don’t think I’ve heard used in 30 years. I mean you can’t get away with that kind of stuff becaue multiple people will report you (I did) and it’s liable to get you banned from the game, but my first thought was “People

You can legally define a non-viable foetus as a dead baby. You can legally define the Moon as being constructed from pure cheddar. It has as much to do with reality as that one time the Indiana general assembly tried to legally define Pi as 3.

Okay, here’s what I, as an outsider, don’t get. One the one hand I see lots of discussion about how the government is rife with corruption, blatant gerrymandering, voter suppression, etc, etc, but the moment the discussion turns to the rest of the world, the same people talk about how American democracy is a shining

Seriously? Your attitude is to bully this person because you don’t like her dad? As far as I’ve been able to tell, she isn’t popular with him either. She definitely hasn’t done anything to hurt you or make your life miserable, but her dad’s a git, so she’s a valid target for abuse. What the actual Fuck?

C2-B5 is clearly a goth R2-D2.

C2-B5 is clearly a goth R2-D2.

This is the Metro we’re talking about - well known in the UK for being about as fair and accurate as those American tabloids that feature stories about bigfoot and space aliens. If they reported that the sky was blue I’d go outside to check, and if they report a news story that can’t be found on any reputable news

This is the part that confuses me. I was under the impression that the repubs had enough majority to get anything passed if they all agreed on it.

That movie will always have a special place in my heart for showing me, at an impressionable age, that sex could be messy and fun.

I agree it’s not much. But this is a movie about teenagers in colour coordinated armour and their dinosaur robots fighting a witch on the moon, so I doubt there’s going to be much emphasis on the romance aspect anyway.