
But it’s not just her. It’s that every single person in her entourage failed to spot this uncharacteristically cheap coat or failed to point out that the fuckoff giant message on the back might be noticed on one of the most examined people on the planet, or in any way connected to the event it was worn to, when the

See, I think it was on purpose. It wasn’t for the likes of me and you; we weren’t going to support Trump whatever he (or Melania) did. It was for his base. They absolutely love this kind of stuff where he aggressively gives the middle finger to all those wishy-washy liberals that care about equal treatment for

I’ve been waiting a while to find a place to introduce the following link, and this seems just perfect:

Isn’t it weird how guys can write about a world entirely composed of women but make the story about the one existing male? And by “weird” I mean totally unsurprising.

Qualifications for what? To be a sexual predator? To be a jerk? The fewer of those qualifications, the better.

Surely the point is to turn your hideous natural looks into something resembling acceptable. If the result is the same as when you started, you don’t need it.

To point of order your point of order, androids are robots built to resemble men. Robots built to resemble women should be called gynoids.

I’m the opposite. I find the regular lego figures to be so low rez and blocky. They aren’t people, they are robots with with faces painted on them. The Lego friends figures are a lot closer to being people shaped.


Which also explains one reason why they get more worked up about partnerships between men, and less about those between property.

Stop trying to make fetch happen. It’s not going to happen.

Music was from Space 1999 if anyone’s interested.

Sounds like Paramount are being dicks, here. No, no, they couldn’t possibly give Cavill a fake moustache. So much easier for it to be digitally removed from every frame of film he appears in for Justice League.

But will he do the fandango?

I think Mindy Kaling is too old to play Wolverine. The current Wolverine (Laura Kinney) is probably not much over twenty.

I’ve seen every existing (and some now lost) episode of Doctor Who. I’ve enjoyed some parts more than others, some doctors more than others, some stories more than others. And I’m delighted at the prospect of a female Doctor.

And so Donald Trump demonstrates to the world that the USA is a classless society by showing off his own total lack of class once again.

mmm... Cheesequake.

As someone who has been virtually crippled by gender dysphoria since long before it was fashionable my first thought was to invite you to go fuck yourself, but I decided that wasn’t helpful, and wrote a reply explaining some of the pain of gender dysphoria. Then I reread your comment and noticed how flippant it was.

Well remember when Obama became president the republicans’ agenda was basically “obstruct everything” rather than, oh I don’t know, run the country and make good laws.