
I don’t agree that she’s brilliant. She’s a hell of a lot cleverer than a lot of people on the left give her credit for, but when you’ve seen her in action a couple of times the moves are pretty obvious.

Now this is frigging hilarious. A hundred years ago being from the land of the bogs and the little people was a cause of prejudice in the USA. Now it’s the bastion of whiteness? At this rate political comedy is going to be a dead art because there is nothing that can be said that is more absurd than what’s actually

Minor correction: It’s only men sneaking into the wrong restrooms that has them clutching their pearls. I haven’t seen a single word said about the possibility of women putting on fake beards to sneak into male restrooms.

90% of the times I see this clip used I’m left thinking the person has never watched Citizen Kane. Which is a shame, because it’s a great film.

Does Kellyanne ever give a straight answer? Every time I see her interviewed she’s asked one thing and immediately launches off talking about something else, often bizarre or stupid, which distracts the interviewer from noticing that she hasn’t actually answered the question.

That was my assumption.

But how can you do an accurate protrayal of Trump that’s not a cartoonish caricature?

Okay, speaking as a transwoman my answer is both. Doubt was great for portraying a trans character played by a trans actor, whose story wasn’t soley about being trans. We need more of these. We need so many that it becomes normalised and is no big deal.

I mean, how many times has Trumpy actually condemned anti-semitism? Because I’m thinking that “more than once” would be a good start. Or, say, if he’d spent as much time speaking about it as I’m sure he did talking about A) how great he was, or B) the fake media, in the same speech.

It’s an alternative fact.

Never heard of Carrie Underwood before, but she is now brightening my day.

If you are laughing at the same jokes nazis laugh at that doesn’t mean you’re edgy, it means you’re a nazi.

For immature audiences, surely? Grown up people don’t find that stuff funny.

It ammuses me in an sad way that Community had such low ratings it got cancelled before its time (six seasons and a movie), but now everyone knows what you mean when you talk about the darkest timeline.

By “alternative facts” she means “alternatives to facts”. ie. fiction.

It’s a nice idea, but I’m not really seeing it.

It’s wearing her down, though. It’s like she’s Trump’s portrait in the attic. Either that or she really is a sith.

When I saw it I assumed they’d done it on purpose and that the point would reveal itself if I read the article. It’s possible anyone in the office not directly connected with the article might have thought similarly.

Of course he has now pretty much ensured that he will be referred to as “that white boy” for the rest of his life, and that it will be engraved on his tombstone.

Okay, set aside the political aspect for a moment. These women are being asked to perform for a known sexual predator. A man who has boasted of entering women’s changing rooms to catch them in a state of undress, who has boasted that his status allows him to take advantage of women.