
No, see Trump has no ethics, so they wouldn’t have anything to do. It would just be a waste.

No one has suggested it did. What they said was that the constant heat may have caused it to become brittle, and therefore easier to damage when the bloody great lump of ice smashed into it.

Being over 40 also helps a lot.

Used in the UK, literally a clump of mud but also a synonym for “stupid person”.

I don’t know much about sports generally or American sports particularly, but people are getting bent out of shape and calling it unfair because a team continued playing until the end of the game? Is it a thing where, when one team has a significant lead, the other is just supposed to stop playing?

I don’t think I’ve ever heard a cover of this song. But then I don’t recall ever hearing this song before.

You should really cut out the reality TV, Stick to things like Steven Universe. It’s much better for the soul.

Or “bigly”. He said bigly twice in the last debate. Who wants the person with the highest office to have the vocabulary of an eight year old?

Donald the elephant packed his trunk

I wonder the same thing. I’ve been playing WoW for 10 years and I’ve never been given stuff for free by guys. To be honest I’m quite glad, as I could live without that kind of entitled “I gave you stuff so you owe me” attitude.

It’s a bit bizarre when someone thinks they are saying something ridiculous and you are going “Yes. that’s exactly the case.” It just shows the complete disconnect between their mindset and those of an actual human.

How good is your detergent at washing blood off your money?

Stupid man writes stupid article: why is this news, again?

Oh yes. We have gun deaths in the UK. In a bad year we might have as many gun deaths as New York has in one night. If it was a quiet night.

The trouble with comparing something to The Holocaust is that unless it is The Holocaust it comes off looking not nearly as bad.