
Congratulations. You've found out about the Pareto Principle.

There's nothing wrong with donating kidneys. It's the motivations that suck in this example, not the actions.

I don't recall ever having a BSOD on this system (bought in 2008) or my previous phone (2008 as well), but my current (bought in 2010) phone has a kernel panic about every day, and unexpected reboots several times a day. I know this is just anecdotal evidence but I don't think it's fair, or even correct, to write off

If this is the final result, then that's... kind of unimpressive?

Maybe it's a pressuriced cooker?

Maybe this is just me trying to see deeper things than there are (or me being sleepy and not thinking straight), but hear me out: This is not just a joke, but it's also a new way to address the average American citizen.

I love the face of the dummy model.

Please. If it were that important to them, why is it a radio tower instead of a white flag post?


Unless of course they grow up to be this guy.

Yes. More important. Not more widely known or more iconic.

That guy's clearly the Hulk. Or Blanka.

Batman, not Fatman.

"New Screen-Protecting Film Heals Itself Like Magic"

Aren't the last two bullet points pretty much the same?

Yeah, no. These things are -gross-.

No I mean the part where they say "solved by pre-school children in 5~10 minutes, by programmers in an hour". Are those tested times, or just made up? Because I found the answer in under half a minute (without cheating, honestly) which makes for a rather large discrepancy.

So, I got the answer in about 20~30 seconds. Does that mean I'm as unbound as a toddler, or are the times just random numbers?

I didn't see any 'blowing up'. I just saw a boat peeing on another boat. What kind of weird fetish is that?

This guy could've done it with just a toothpick.