I know someone that's a twin, and the ones they're married to are also a twin.
I know someone that's a twin, and the ones they're married to are also a twin.
The DofTMoPAS?
Damnit! So there was a Dutch meetup after all!
So that's why Office boots so slow. They secretly built in an entire virus scanner, assuming that stupid people open Word more often than their scanner.
I don't know where you've been living the past 4 years, but the entire global economy going backwards are all shockwaves from the U.S. banking system.
I have two words for you people.
Keep in mind: he seems to have foregone pants completely.
His point is "if so much is done by machine, that the endresult is basically a machine-built thing, why do you still have the hand-bits?"
So what does attract you?
u spelt rong rong
Don't forget about bar graphs.
That's nonsense. It totally made my day when I drove by a Burger King where I didn't know there was one. They're kinda rare in the Netherlands and I vastly prefer their taste over Mickey's. I went all kid like, pointing my finger and stuff (though not to the extent of Aleksander Gamme).
So, is this a #sponsoredpost ?
You base that on a chin and half a nose? I don't recall actually seeing much of the guy, he's wearing a pretty large amount of fabric everywhere.
It amuses you. Humoring something means doing preposterous things to keep someone happy.
Some, sure, but some actually like it. I've watched it too - it was fun, but not fun enough to keep following. I'd definitely be watching alongside my kids if I had any, though, spend some time.
She broke her own advice, then.
Was it a cheap wedding?