The point that you can't go any lower than free IS why it's a price war. A model like that isn't sustainable for good games. Angry Birds is the exception.
"you have to stop and unfold parts"
As far as I know Dutch legislation for road approval are more strict than those of the U.S.
Natural selection.
I (should) wear glasses and I'm running 1440x1050 on a 12 inch screen. I "have no problem" with the 1600x900 on my GF's 17 inch laptop, but I do prefer my own little machine.
Here's a simple way to explain it to people who don't know about tech.
No, you have to pay there, not here on Giz.
Yes, but you're a dog. You have a biological advantage.
Kaiser, why is she only half your age?
It was Gods' willy, you say?
Well sure, but everyone loves zombies, so that gets a pass.
Cancer does not make one handicapped or immobile (not until the later stages anway) so I don't think that would be the reason.
I'm proud of my little country now!
Makes sense
Does circling the drain mean the end, or just being less of it?
5:00 Oh no! Am I still wearing my skate? Damn you, nearsightedness! Hnnng... Yup it's still there.
You're a moron!
Don't you have to raise the pegboard for, say, an inch to not have all the pegs topple over? Won't that cost precious drawer space?
Doesn't Lydia have more realistic proportions ingame?