"I don't hate you"
"I don't hate you"
1 - this made my day.
I'm a guy, so I'm not very well versed in dress-buying, but um... aren't these a bit overly expensive? Is 4-800 dollars normal?
Neither of your posts seem to have an image attached.
Over here in the Netherlands there are a variety of state-sponsored ads about societal improvements, such as being more polite, and how to respond to violence in the streets. The tagline roughly translates to "society, that is you" - meaning that if you want to change the world in a positive way, you should begin with…
Media, but their own physique too. People tend to flock to people that are similar to themselves. Blacks to blacks, whites to whites, latino to latino, etcetera. It's not just about liking or disliking, but also about self-identification.
Luckily, both of these problems can be easily solved. Does the man not like the woman laying still - then tell her what she can do to make things nicer. Does the man suck in bed - tell him what he can do to improve.
Well there's the part where he landed a deal for X amount and then he told Wozniak the deal was only Y, so he screwed Woz out of a significant amount of money. (I don't recall the amounts, sorry)
Maybe the idea is to have several lightweight tools, and then add weights. That way, you only have to carry the weight once but you have several heavy tools. For instance, screwing a bolt into that large hole.
What the heck is a helicopter parent?
Completely plausible.
Is this Voice of Choice thing U.S. only or international? I'd like to help out but I'm not exactly looking forward to international call costs.
It's a part of the future, but game makers need to stop simulating d-pads and shit. Use touch-screen devices for touch-screen games. Good examples of this are Fruit Ninja and Air Traffic Controller.
Psh, that's nothing. I predicted the iPad in 2011.
Eff you, Adobe. I'm willing to pay 9% if your product is free, or at least decently priced. Hint: it's not.
I've got a 3 year 5.1 set (logitech x-540) and they're just fine on the onboard one. In fact they're better than several home cinema sets I've heard (though I don't have much content that uses the 5.1).
Have different, hard-to-crack but easy-to-remember passwords, don't store them anywhere and don't tell anyone. And turn on Steams 2-way authentication. Then, every time it opens on a new PC, you have to enter a 5 digit code they email you.