
Totally, but that’s where canning and refrigeration come in. One of the design ideas I’m kicking around in my head for our retirement home is an updated take on the old-fashioned “root-cellar” instead of a second refrigerator or pantry. That’s years down the road though.

As for the soil, a basic worm composting bin

When it comes to AWD, EVs and ICE-Vs share pretty much nothing mechanical in common. The magic to AWD in a car with 1 motor is the center differential which determines where to send power and how much. In an EV, this is done by having multiple motors. You could argue that Subaru will put more thought into the exact

Grab one of those mini jump box thingies. I keep one in my I95 survival kit in the back of the car. Not only does it pull duty for jumping cars but it charges the phone as well. Small enough to fit in a console or glove box to boot.

That’s a high performance cooling mod, brah

Come now, that 10 cents a gallon totally makes the high fuckedus corn syrup worth it, right?

Autopilot is OK, but FSD is a pipe dream with their current technology. While I would play with FSD occasionally, I’d *never* trust my life to a faulty system like that on a daily commute.

That like is the CURRENT grid, which has coal and natural gas turbine.

Coal is already lost the LCOE war to solar/wind. Electric companies lose money by not replacing coal plants with solar/wind.

The same is about to happen to natural gas. They will only be useful for load leveling.

The future grid will be far better

They painted them mostly white to avoid that.

The argument is often brought up, what about all the mining needed for the batteries? I first want to ask about how the mining for batteries compares in scale to mining for everything else? And also, it looks as though mining asteroids is getting closer, so wouldn’t that negate much of the environment concerns around

Driving at night without lights on, wow, they really are getting as good as the average human driver. 

In short: we’re all f-ed.

They can start by halting all donations to any lawmaker who voted to put it into law. Including DeSantis. They can continue by directing that withdrawn support and funding to the opponents of the bill

It’s located in Tipton County and Tippin County, which straddles the Manson-Nixon Line.

What should an avowed atheist use to swear in? or has used as I’m sure some have been

It’s not just the “tiny fraction of” bad cops, it’s the overwhelming majority of chips who leap to protect bad cops from the consequences of their actions, and who in doing so, encourage that badness.

“Rarely it doesn’t work, so that’s why I choose 100% failure by not getting the shot in the first place” really summarizes most americans’ brain rot.

On my drive home last night, I noticed there were not the usual amount of people that just have to be in front of everyone else.

tHatS AlL liBeRals CaN dO iS PosT NeWs stOrIEs

Of course gas prices will have to go up, otherwise the companies can’t maintain the record profits they’ve been making. 

But... isn’t that part of what makes it great?