
You know what? Fine, whatever. I don’t care anymore.

The GPS constellation is about 10,000 miles higher than the orbital band the Kessler Syndrome is most likely to occur in. Given that inelastic collisions between orbital debris result in a net loss of kinetic energy, most of the resulting debris would end up losing energy and hence in lower, not higher orbits. Very

Q’ed around, qound out.

I’m wondering if he’d have been hurt much worse in a sturdier vehicle — under these freak circumstances, the cab’s parting company so readily with the part that the train hit might’ve saved him a lot of spinning and dragging.

Now in the cube, there were cables
And-and a lot of work to be done
An ugly place to see our connections
And-and now they won’t see a single one

Oh no, we gonna make our glass like Electric Avenue
And then we’ll charge it higher
Oh, we gonna make our glass like Electric Avenue
And then we’ll charge it higher

Unions are deeply flawed institutions, but they’re better than the alternative. 

What am I kidding, they need replacement no matter what.

She really should be the bare minimum for what a state rep provides, and considering the crises that West Virginians face, on a daily basis and stretching back throughout Manchin’s time in power, WV needs someone worth like 15 Katie Porters. If Democrats aren’t going to primary Manchin, I think that will be such a

Whatever side of the spectrum you are on, you got to admit she is extremely effective in getting to the point, not tolerating bullshitting, and knows how to demonstrate it in plainspeak. I like that.  Wish more congresspeople would be this direct.

GOTDAYMN! I wanna go break some shit I’m fucking all jacked up now! More politicians with brains and balls spines please!

America is already a full on oligarchy. And plutocracy. And kleptocracy.

I’ll just leave this here in case anyone isn’t sufficiently stressed out:

Astronomers Find Massive Space ‘Cavity’ Possibly Left Behind by Explosion

Ha! That’s what MS put on their site, and like a big twit I just copied it. They fixed theirs and I’ve fixed ours!

Only thing manuals might extend the life of is your brakes. And being awesome.

No it isn't! Exclamation point! 

Really! I did not know this!


Yeah, the thing putting me off the theater experience was the actual theater experience. People bringing actual babies to the movie, and even changing their diapers right there in the audience, is not unknown. And the theater does nothing. I’ve even been in one where they forgot to turn down the house lights until