
Twat (username checks out), it is really a conspiracy between 98% of climate scientists against those 2% that just happen to be funded by oil, gas and coal. Ohh and the politicians that are supported by the same. It is not that it is bad enough that most non technical folks are seeing it first hand already or

Now playing

Winston? No, it couldn’t be. Distant relative?

Best part about living in Philadelphia in the late 90’s?

It’s concerning the press release from Scott Trade makes it sound like they didn’t even know they’d been hacked until the Feds showed up and told them.

What are the odds that some of the people whose data was stolen are people who were only in the Experian system in the first place because they’d been given free Experian credit monitoring after another hack?

Those who reject climate science say the phrase denier has the pejorative ring of Holocaust denier

That’s not the steering wheel, it’s a mock-up of a machine gun.

They’re all woman-holes.

This is the very first thing I do outside of my return windows. In fact, I measured all my power tools and custom cut cabinet/wall hangers to fit all my tools, even taking into account leaving drill bits installed, jigsaw blades in place, batteries attached, router bits installed, etc. Then mounted them all with


Nope.. Nope... NOPE! Nope Nope... did I say NOPE already?

That’s why you keep them in storage till you marry and/or knock her up. “Oh, we’re having a baby? Well... I guess they can play with all these Legos then. I’ll just get them out now and start ‘sorting’ them until the kid turns five.”

Both the American Medical Association and the American Psychological Association view sex reassignment surgery as medically necessary, not elective. It may be hard for you to understand, but denying a trans individual access to necessary medical care is the very definition of cruel and unusual punishment. The

Like a 777 can be a stealthy plane.

Please for the love of God allow me to stream in market games live! NHL Center Ice does me no good because I can’t actually watch my in market team (Hurricanes). In order to get the channel I need to watch the regular broadcasts, I need to shell out an additional 50 dollars a month to up my DirecTV package to

Tried that. Couldn’t see what I was doing. Next time, I’m putting the sock on the cat’s head.

Step 1: Pay someone else to do it.