
Which means you must be the Lesser North American Right-Winged Simpleton. A species known for it’s tiny brain and loud, annoying calls of “OBAMMA’S COMIN’ FER MAH GUNS!”

Sorry to break it to you buddy, but those aren't dogs. They're giants disguised as pets.

Cats would totally piss on a person aflame, because they know the quantity of their urine is not enough to extinguish the fire but would still make the situation less pleasant.

Not to mention, Milwaukee doesn’t want him to get hurt still playing for the Mets while he’s now their player. Which, because it’s the Mets, is far more likely than one would think.

What about water run off onto the poor fools below?

That’s good ad space, assuming you can find a buyer.

NSA’s reaction when asked to delete phone records

shops need dogs

According to a new report from Huffington Post, the nonprofit who released the video may have “deceived” the IRS about its mission.

as if millions of hellcat owners suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced...

The ISS Astronauts Had To Shelter From Russian Space Junk This Morning

I’m pretty sure the lack of education you just displayed is the real step number one.

Walmart is a private corporation that can decided to sell, or not sell, whatever it wants. There is no censorship involved.

It would also be a great idea to read the article. “So every streetlight in a parking lot could be upgraded, but not those dotting the sides of a busy highway—for safety’s sake.”

That’s how it starts....

So The Stand is getting done for the third time while The Talisman sits on the shelf. Get it to video. Wolf! Right here and now!

One of the best things I did in my garage was install a computer with a 30” HDTV on a swiveling wall mount. I don’t know how I got through projects without internet access before.


The plural of anecdote isn’t data and this isn’t the forum for dealing with your childhood traumas spawned in Nicolae Ceausescu’s Romania - get a therapist. Romania is...well Romania. There’s a lot of history you’re missing for why those castles are decrepit (Hint: communism).
