
Yes, they actually played the tape of the interview in court. It made him sound like a somewhat confused old man who was badgered into saying what the detective wanted him to say.

Wait, so in the very same post where you complain and complain and complain about how expensive home battery systems are currently, you completely dismiss a yet to be seen brand new take on those systems that will supposedly make them much cheaper, easier to maintain, and more capable. Can you explain that reasoning

Here are the auto splicing clips. They work great for 12V but like ClemsonEE said, not appropriate for 12o.

lighten up francis.

My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father, Roomba Montoya, prepare to die.”

So wait... Maybe I’m missing something, but how does this indicate that the ants are “adapted” to junk food? Doesn’t it simply show that they are eating more of it? Which makes sense considering that it is the most plentiful food source on the ground in cities? I’m not seeing how this proves any sort of evolution. It

How about anyone who can't tolerate the existence of conflicting opinions can suffer whatever fate they wish on those who disagree with them?

Something like this perhaps?

That is to say, the usual spelling is Khan. Unless you mean the Germanized version of Cohen.

Uh oh! Look who wants to play too!


Thanks for the coverage and story telling in a Ranger-like fashion. I'm sure a few of your followers will have questions about IS, but we'll just say it's one step at a time. We started in Afghanistan in 2012, now we're in five countries. Give it time. When an opportunity to make cool products in dangerous

Blowing up shitty "news" shows should be Jon Stewart's new career.

I'd forgotten how fantastic that was. It's a shame that was in SD, because in 1080p, I bet you could see the flop sweat on both Carlson and Begala.

Oh man, I know your pain. It is going to be 88 this week in So Cal and the Gelateria across the street is going to have a line...

Sorry, I gotta disagree.

Twas not always so, tis true. Republican Ronald Reagan frequently worked with Democrat Tip O'Neil, at the time the Speaker of the House, to get legislation passed. So what happened since then? Well, the roots are a little older: the importance of appearance on media with the radio and especially the introduction of

Or more realistically, "If the Commissioner doesn't have to answer your questions, neither should I."