
How about the Patriots can take out 1 PSI for each Lynch crotch grab?

Um, the Pirate Bay is currently up...

Failure and felled trees.

"When you get a crick in the neck, it's not the end of the world"

If I watch Shawshank I then have to watch The Green Mile and The Road to Perdition. They go together.


Same. My music is all compressed to hell and back. Like I care it's not the same as the source, it sounds good enough.

They would have letter their employees know sooner but the letter got lost in the mail.

Are we quite sure something on the second story is good enough?

Should have said to the cop "I detect the presence of marijuana" Then use the Civil Asset Forfeiture act to seize the cop car.

I had Sprint... sure, it was a good deal... had unlimited data... problem was, service was GARBAGE. What good is unlimited data if I never have service...

Creative, but try thinking about using a real towel that you can wash in your next load of laundry that you will be doing either way. Diapers take far longer to break down in our landfills and think about what goes into the making of paper towels, those are a waste we rarely consider. Our disposable society needs to

This should totally be under workshop.lifehacker.com!

By far, the most relevant spam post ever. lol

Most people.

This is something that should be direct sell. Better than model planes.

Deniers basically live in a perpetual state of virtual reality so... might as well join em

The Ram Mount X-Grip brings with it a long list of critical and consumer acclaim, along with a twist lock suction cup and a clean, understated look. Our Editorial Director and former Gizmodo EIC Joel Johnson wrote about it here .

The Ram Mount X-Grip brings with it a long list of critical and consumer acclaim, along with a twist lock suction