
some of the Japan tsunami videos show significant 5-6 story rise, but they’re so flat unless you have a direct gauge like a building, it’s very hard to see

yes, with earthquake generated tsunamis you have time between the causal event and the start of the actual wave impacts.

Yeah given the close quarters of a fjord, you aren’t doing much. I wonder if given the extreme height - these aren’t ‘waves’ in the normal sense but basically huge splashes - if it might overtake the ship before it could float it up and tip it end over end. Sort of how surfers duck under waves they don’t want to ride.

yeah I think it’s fair to say they turn into tsunami’s but the 650 ft or 1000+ ft waves are to me simply big (and deadly) splashes. They eventually collapse into the long big humps we expect from tsunamis.

Cost is irrelevant to whether people *want* them. Data is clear, other makers are growing sales.

Sure. Though I’d suspect they wouldn’t crush EVs that way given the fire risk of the batteries.

I had that thought at first, but we need to stop using ICE fuel vehicles. Better to trash ‘em.

Given it involving CA tangentially that seems enough leeway for an ‘interstate commerce’ angle.

The caveat is if a segment of the market can buy up every loaded SUV/Truck you can make, then the rest of the market does not matter.

Not entirely sure it will. The problem is competition. There basically ain’t none. When the 5-6 major players are all in line, where’s the downward pressure coming from? Bonus, the big American makers literally abandoned the low end.

Correct. The ‘dealer’ called the cops when reporters showed up to expressly get his side.

Perhaps read

Yeah, no.  EV sales are *growing* for almost every other mfr.  Tesla is the current big daddy so their nose dive makes the market look soft.  Reality is increasing sales.

They are. The bells n whistles being added to *every* care, EV and ICE, make most of them ridiculous to maintain. Hell there are cadillacs being *totaled* because of a blown tail light. When companies skimp on providing replacement parts, that makes maintenance harder.

yeah my first thought was go around, but you make a good point....uh go around *where* since there’s a plane rising right below you!

4th Gear:   My ideal trade in situation is it being slightly less than the cost to junk it.   I am the industry’s worst nightmare.  I generally buy new...but drive things into the ground.   2 new cars this century does not make sales people happy  lulz

Perhaps we should offer them a one time replacement with that stipulation.

I’m actually fine with federal money to buy them out.  150% of current market.  Still cheaper in the long run

One thing they most definitely have in their couch cushions is....sand.

Actually this is an excellent comparison.   It shows just how stupid you will look driving a Cybertruck and pretending it’s at all ‘good’ at it’s intended purpose.  (well other than meglomanic ego fluffing at which it reigns supreme)