
Geoengineering’s one feature we usually don’t consider is how to turn it ‘off’. Physical shades in the atmosphere would at least allow for a quick ‘off’ - as compared with aerosol particles so high up we can’t remove them for example.  We need big solutions, with big effects - but the effects, being less than linear

rare doesn’t mean zero risk

100 ish per year isn’t zero

If a new feature in cars reduces accidents, then yes, cars without that feature will see comparatively higher rates.  Doesn’t mean higher, just in relation.  That’s entirely how insurance rates work.

eh, if we were driving sensible Sedans I’d have more sympathy, but with monster SUVs the main conveyance, EVs aren’t that much worse especially driving sanely.

I suspect below the minimums the cars sell fine.  a 50K Toyota is just broken in, not really *needing* a warranty at that point.

There was an Air Disasters episode expressly about missing screws that literally made the plane unflyable and all lives were lost.

So because ‘some’ goes up, it must mean all does? I’d be all ears to hear how you determine that.

Science and physics say otherwise.

zip ties man! ‘Southern’ ice road ‘solutions’ might also be worth of a PeopleOfWalmart website all it’s own

Yep, when batteries are 5+ times as energy dense and fully charge in 20 minutes, it might be viable.

The biggest issue is weight. Trucks have a max allowed weight and any battery capable of moving it, will significantly eat into it’s cargo weight. 10000 lbs is probably very undersized, so you’re taking at least a 10% reduction in cargo capacity per trip. Probably closer to 20%.

b/c AI hasn’t (yet) subverted gov’t regulations.

Sure, but long haul electric is a bad solution to our freight problem. We’d be far better off investing in a rail upgrade nationwide.

and apparently can brake harder than jakes.

no way these could be used as a long haul truck

It doesn’t. Lowers it some but vast amounts of air don’t go up the vent.

Should be, but surprisingly Consumer Reports noted that EVs have significantly higher issues than ICE cars. I attribute it to just being new and mfrs trying to stuff every possible feature into them in the last few years. Instead of the EV civic and corolla people would actually buy.

Narrator:  They look pretty crappy new

Curious how that stops the theft issue?   I could easily see scan 2 put 3 in cart etc.