
short haul trucks have different gear ratios for stop-and-go, smaller fuel tanks so more weight can be used for cargo, smaller engines

2nd Gear:

Nissan Leaf, Chevy Bolt take your pick.  Plus used.  Plus EV credit brings more in to the picture.

I’m sure there will be some places that require an outage or maybe 2. Such as a neighborhood transformer feed and then individually as the line to a home is upgraded. Basically wherever there’s a single point connection.  All of it ‘can’ be entirely mitigated with temporary lines/devices and momentary cut over

His point is the operators of the lines don’t have the financial incentive - big utilities generally do make the biggest returns on big infra builds, not line running. It’s a significant problem, especially given the backlog you mention...that we desperately need on line.

1. is complete BS. You hang/run a temporary line to handle the load while replacing a segment. Happens every single day for maintenance. Upgrading is no different.   Towers are also able to handle a 2nd line run and then cut over on a larger than single segment basis.

We should be moving more away from a grid system and having businesses supply their own Electricity (or most of it)

more like $25K and 200+.

The reason stoves are a thing is because the deniers/right wing/GOP are making it one. For exactly the reasons you say, it’s easy to fan the, ahem, flames and cause disruption. Disruption means delay of prohibitions and gets gas into more communities for another 50 years.

Because unless you have multiple acres of land you aren’t powering an EV much less 2. No city or even suburbs would be functional. Skyscrapers are in shade a huge chunk of the day and at noon, obviously get far less sun per sq foot of space with 20 floors and only one roof.

That’s the thing, though, they aren’t different. If you want to do a propane tanked stove, I guess that’s your option. The issue is new development has or does not have gas...and once it does, it’s 50 years before it can really change. At a *minimum* new housing reg’s should require a 240 drop for a stove, so it can

I can see the argument but for the same reasons you say it can’t work, I say the specs would be lowered to allow slower lower draw charges without needing super duper jigawatt charging, even at 12 ports.

it also means you never need to sit for a full charge. A 10% charge every few days means shorter times and less raw draw needed.

Hydrogen is that ‘almost’ wonder solution. Storage and leaks are significant issues. Car fires happen now. Will hydrogen based ones be more or less common? More or less dangerous? I’m not sold on it’s combustion vs fuel cells. combustion is just so wasteful energy wise but don’t know if fuel cells can scale enough.

I’m entirely not following.  Why is a dealer making their new cars ‘used’ and then selling them?  Who is paying ‘more’ for a used car than new?

China makes it work by absolutely not caring about the environment.

Kinja mobile less than useful... ugh

I mean we all have ‘proof’ we can drive a car based on a single test 30 years ago.  So sure, that temp vax you got 2 year ago is plenty!

We’ve got a 2012 and 2011 respectively and am NOT looking forward to the new car buying experience...they all have touchscreens at this point I think.

That’s actually a major selling point of some of these. They literally have no key slot to bump.