
In a sane world it wouldn’t even go through DC. DC is out of the way, Rte 301 is more direct.

We DON’T want foreign interests responsible for internal, critical things like industrial freight.

You may remember that fun day(s) when a fireworks black powder truck overturned in the old Mixing Bowl.

Every time a passenger jet needs servicing, or a new part, vast amounts of paperwork are generated connecting that part to that plane. Without properly sourced parts and up-to-date internationally recognize service records, passenger planes can become, at best, unusable, and at worse, highly dangerous.

I mean you aren’t wrong. They do it for free with no guarantee of payout so they should get *something* but yeah it seems that two things are true:

Shows what you know. I hold in my very hands an actual CHECK from the Equifax Breach settlement.

I cry a little bit knowing the harmony’s aren’t long for the world.

Is it really a “hack” to use the actual interface for the actual purpose it was designed?

the voice search alone is golden.   For us the draw is the absolutely simplicity of the interface.   Not advanced but trivial to learn and use one remote for basically all streaming services.

People in cars cause accidents

and a large percentage of the debt isn’t fixed rate. Rates rising with the markets as well.

Paying $44 billion for a $20 billion dollar company...and taking out LOANS to pay the bill is definitely smart.

And, through that $44 billion acquisition deal, the nearly $13 billion in loan debt became Twitter’s responsibility.

The scatter effect from each collision causes more scatter from the next collision and so on. 8000~ sats up now, plan for 30,000 by 2030.

Angular momentum is a seriously conservative task master. You can’t just ‘drive’ around up there to different places without significant costs.

These 2 particular artifacts have been there for 30+ years. And they’re big, i.e. *lots* of this drag you imagine is there.

It’s less obliterate everything, and more, you can’t replace anything for a few centuries as they EOL.No collision here is going to touch geo stationary stuff. But it will put a blanket around the planet that makes future launches real gambles..and any launch failures make it worse.

You can not share and then have grid failures...or you can share $2.00 worth of electricity.

I was listening to someone from Australia, another country with a very independent/individualistic mentality. And yet they have vast socialistic programs. The reason given was, “basically everything here is trying to kill you, you have to spread the cost across everyone or you won’t survive”.

How many vehicles will be plugged in? basically all of them that are at home. The logistics are simpler than you’d imagine. But it requires significant regulation and *detailed* planning.