
the Marauder just seemed an attempt to copy the Impala SS of the mid 90s, and missed it by a decent gap

Please, all it takes to get it back is a super advanced robotic civilization.

I’ll take it but only with free delivery

Its the daily special on BringAStarTrailer.com

Yeah, the path of history is a convoluted hopscotch while doing triple axle’s.

Yeah completely agree. the Plug In Hybrid’s with 30-40 miles of EV would solve a huge number of commutes while still being range enabled for trips.

Disagree at least to a point. the *vast* majority of time ppl will be ‘filling’ at home.

Honda’s older system wasn’t as advanced as Toyota’s. It was an integrated drive train of some sort. But it still worked even if the battery was totally dead compared with a Prius that would simply stop and die when the battery EOL’d.

As a native of Rochester NY I can attest to the inland North East being basically a disaster free zone.

2003 Honda Civic Hybrid manual...cruise wouldn’t disengage if you pulled it out of gear without using the clutch ;-)

They’re currently working on a methane harvesting version.

Sample size of one:  2011 Soul with zero significant issues over the years.

When I met my now ex’s inlaws, one of her cousins wives was so much a look a like of a friend in college I spent 5 minutes attempting to get her to admit the gag.

Fair point. All I meant to say is it wasn’t ‘high voltage’ or mains power amperage. Not insurmountable.

The voltages referenced are inline with every day static shocks. The issue would be the amps if high enough.

I’m sorry sir, we’ve voided your warranty due to that aftermarket non HD approved hip replacement.

Short of battery swaps at Truck stops, long haul EV’s just aren’t a great idea.

lower prices *and* less stupid ads?   I’d pay good money for that!

in VA you can literally post a $500-ish cash bond in lieu of having insurance when you register your vehicle...which is insane

Honda has plants in the US. Same for Toyota, Mercedes, BMW and I’m sure others.