This is just training for the full LED projector movie watching while your TeslaBike totally self rides you there
This is just training for the full LED projector movie watching while your TeslaBike totally self rides you there
Russia nets money to use against Ukraine. If that’s not simple enough to explain why this is bad, then um...
Please, it’s the Goa’uld
Apples v oranges. Global macro scale trade isn’t the same as cross physical border stuff. And I’d bet more than a few degrees of magnitude difference as well.
Considering how absolutely co-dependent on US consumption culture their economy is, not likely.
‘blows up in his face’. That’s sorta the worst case scenario since he is 70. has no succession plan. is starting wars of grievance. and has nukes.
if by ‘coming out of’ you mean heading into one, sure. We’re basically smack in the middle of the 20k year cycle so things should be leveling off and/or starting down.
Add in he’s 70, rumored to be in less than stellar health...with no succession plan at all.
Well they did just kinda annex the breadbasket of Europe.
All depends on the particular elemental chemical properties, how much can be stored per unit of mass/volume, how many charge/discharge cycles it can reasonably handle.
Not sure it’s quite that simple. We *could* produce enough oil for our own needs I think. Not a good option at all, but it’s doable. The other plus is we have a huge amount of the worlds refining capacity.
Putin’s bet is that he’s been stockpiling money reserves for the last 4 years so he’s made a long term plan for sanctions.
There is but she’s playing hexordle
So we’re at the 50K large for even low spec mid level cars now?
“And I’ll just poop in your shoe” level of loathing
I think the point is that fake snow is basically a very temporary situation between having the games and temps to warm for even that.
Is this US based or more international decline? NBC’s seeming stranglehold on the US coverage is just ridiculous and terrible.
Which would be true if you could *REPLACE THE BATTERY*.
Still bingo ;-)
We should move away from usage taxes anyway. They are entirely regressive and force the lower economic class to bear more burden than they can.