
Exactly. Miles driven modified by vehicle registration/type. Does a good job of approximating taxing based on fuel usage.

Much like the best feature on a convertible isn’t that the top goes down...submerging is the easy part here ;-)

Reduce, ReFLOAT, Recycle

I really and truly feel your pain. I’m absolutely in the same boat, no idea if I’d even be alive at this point w/o the diagnosis and CPAP.

Belt drives for the win! I replaced a chain one and it’s downright incredible how silent it is.

Snoring. Hoo boy. When I finally got tested for sleep apnea, my snoring was 80 decibels. Everyone in my family is a *loud* snorer so it was never considered anything abnormal except by the very unfortunate college roommates or convention hotel room designees.

The thing that most municipalities don’t get is that for public transit to be used it has to basically be 24/7. or at least core outside hours like 4am to 2am (at which point, just go 24/7).

I look forward to electric HD’s that need 47 of the ‘standard’ batteries

NWS has expressly said don’t do it I believe. There aren’t the criteria in place to say what storm deserves a name. The truly epic ones have been so rare that the Blizzard of 2003 is good enough.

We don’t, the Weather Channel has decided they need marketing

Please explain how, in your last part, how a foreign visitor (from any country) could be classified as an American citizen, to whom the AMERICAN Constitution applies

I’ve heard you should avoid the clumping type.  The cheap stuff actually does better

Can anyone elaborate on why humpbacks seem to be off the orcas menu?

I too saw those documentaries years ago and was surprised when what was described here was entirely different.

Assuming we’re going full industrial/grid scale here. Putting the containers/batteries over some sort of water containment system would at least let the fire suppression be contains from a water use standpoint.

Exactly. The issue is lack of competition. I had *competing* cable companies in the Bethlehem, PA area back in the 90s. No broadcasting stations so we had multiple companies with lines run all over.

TwoOne Thumbs Up!

Michigan has 4 seasons. Almost winter, winter, still winter and 4th of July.

Michigan has 4 seasons. Almost winter, winter, still winter and 4th of July.

I’ve read both ways on the orange stuff.   Is it just the level sensor that’s the issue?  as in, if you don’t have one it doesn’t matter?

I’ve read both ways on the orange stuff.   Is it just the level sensor that’s the issue?  as in, if you don’t have

a trailer attachment plate that’s designed to keep loads from blowing over”