11 Balls and Trouble with the Law: My Time with the US Postal Cycling Team
11 Balls and Trouble with the Law: My Time with the US Postal Cycling Team
"A quota for fights? Fuck yeah, I got 50 cents. Let's go, asshole."
I took some cues from a fat naked gay guy once. Call me a bigot if you will, but I just don't think there's any place for billiards during Pride Weekend.
Heh. I'm feeling your vibe there.
"Hey, leave me out of this, kid. It's bad enough I have to listen to that douchebag Lance Armstrong."
Pro Tip: If you don't have a tape measure handy, just remember that at standard temperature 1 Conan = 1.3 Costases. (If you're in Europe, that's equivalent to 1.6 Sarkozys.)
That's great. (Even given the 10 seconds it took me to process. Need moar coffee.)
That's fantastic.
I think we can all agree his grip is impressive, and he's got amazing stamina. Now if he can just try using his off hand for support at critical moments, those tight balls will stay under control and he won't be spraying shots all over the place. Semen.
Aw, man, what a Lochtease.
I'd hit that. And then tighten things up with a hex wrench, maybe check the joint for wear.
I like this.
He's really a complete player: he can runler, throwler and hitler with the best of 'em.
I'm only partially ashamed to admit this made me laugh out loud.
"Well, what do you know... looks like I did get the fat envelope from University of Oslo after all!"
Hehe. +1
Actually, the family only requested four players, to serve as Pesky Pall-bearers.