
I rewatched the saga previous to this (over a month, no binge), and quite frankly, Ive made my peace with the Star Wars saga as a whole being an imperfect, patchwork franchise, no matter if its George Lucas or anyone else at the helm; quite simply, everything made after A New Hope was trying to fit a square peg in a

And I just realised that I used the word “apparently” three times in four sentences. I blame sleep deprivation. 

Great, now I have “Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved” endlessly repeating in my head.

They’re lunatics.

Ummm...they have every right to vote “no”, but they just refuse to do their jobs. Nobody said the Republican lawmakers had to fall into line and support the Democrats agenda. I don’t know where you got that information, but it’s clearly incorrect.

And here I thought Republicans were supposed to be all Blue Lives Matter. Seems like as soon as anything that could be mistaken in bad light for a shoe (in this case, consequences for shutting down state government being mistaken for militaristic, adversarial policing experienced by millions of Americans) gets

po-tay-toe, po-tah-toe.

Who says “mult-eye-verse”???

You know what also fulfills *all* of those requirements?  An old phone.  

I sort of think once millions of people have died in a global conflict opposing your murderous philosophy, the “marketplace of ideas” has ruled

Don’t judge me please I cannot stand when I go pee.

Put thing back where it came from or so help me

I absolutely do not get the point of treating fictional characters on a cheesy TV show as real people with whom you get genuinely upset

No, it’s the period correct coffee cups for that scene. The cinematographer says so because he shot it.

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

If someone could remove the memory of this story from my brain with a fine hook tool, that’d be great thanks. 

Well, at least this magic resolution didn’t have the proprietary apple computer operating system somehow being compatible with an alien computer system.

The last telemetry data posted during the descent showed that at an altitude of 149m from the surface, the lander had a vertical velocity of 134 m/s and a horizontal velocity of 946 m/s. That equates to a very rapid unscheduled disassembly.