
I think it’s more as compared to what pretty much EVERY OTHER MAN who has had such accusations leveled at him has done. Does this apology and mea culpa mean we should all forgive him? Absolutely not. He has to earn forgiveness with more than just a “My bad. Sorry!” But it makes me hope that he’s going to do what has

“I’m not a scientist, but in my personal capacity I have many questions that remain unanswered by current climate policy,” Hartnett White told Cardin.

she’s an awful person but that doesn’t make slut-shaming ok.

I’d also accept everyone switching to Yiddish.

Bless you.

I am so over the subtitled Klingons! If they sounded like creatures naturally speaking an alien tongue, I could get over it, but they sound like someone with giant prosthetic teeth reading phonetically off a teleprompter. Just repetitive monotone syllable after syllable mush-mouthed delivery with no emphasis or

Ollie was never really good at naming things.

I gave up on Discovery after the first episode.

You don’t ask, you just grab for it. #MAGA

Really?! To each his own, but he is everything I find unattractive. Literally checks EVERY box. Even without knowing anything about him, when I see men who look like him, my libido shrivels up and goes into stasis

I just turned to my brand spanking new, bearded husband, and said “I love you cause you’re not a sexist asshole. and you have sexy beard.”

Or the one.

I didn’t choose to become a scientist, but TNG made me curious about the world around me. One of my earliest Trek memories was an exchange between Data and Picard in “Where Silence Has Lease,” in which Data explains: “The most elementary and valuable statement in science, the beginning of wisdom, is ‘I do not know.’

I agree. That’s why I said I prefer the S8, literally in the sentence you quoted.

Now playing

That’s a pretty tenuous connection there, paesano.

hey boobsandbacon, stop with all the logical analysis of our place in the world and the greater contexts that frame the facts accurately with a real world representation of paradigms in action. stop it.

Probably because he wasn’t spewing hateful things and his policies weren’t based on xenophobia.

It is dumb. Everyone knows that phone purchases don’t lead to not being afford a home. They lead to not affording healthcare.

Truer words...