
Just checked a moment ago and it’s NOT available on Netflix streaming.

Why, yes. Yes, they would.

Why, yes. Yes, they would.

Didn’t Google recently announce it was going to make Android Wear compatible with iDevices?

Between this and http://gawker.com/dark-chocolate…, it’s clear that some of you Gawker folks feel much, much too strongly about some pretty inconsequential stuff. For the record, I absolutely ADORRRRRE....dark chocolate (what...you thought I was going to say Subway?*).

*I also like Subway as an inexpensive, relatively

And ALSO an arrow: as in, Amazon has everything you need from A to Z.

Alright, alright. I understand objecting to the color of it, although...they’re GOING to use red, white, and blue. They just are. But I don’t understand at all the folks complaining about the direction of it. When you want to imply FORWARD movement - particularly in a reading-left-to-right culture such as the U.S. -

Ahhhhhh! Very good :)

They are very seemingly pure and saturated. I’d prefer richer versions of red and blue, too - but, like it or not, those are the colors one uses when running for President of the United States. I think what makes it look dated is the uninspired blockiness of it. If I were feeling generous, I might call that

I did a quick and dirty test with a color-blindness simulator program I use and it looks like it MIGHT be a problem for individuals with Protanopia (red-green) color blindness, specifically. And, of course, they’ll need to be careful when/if they need to convert it for use in grayscale.

Hey, congratulations! I also have a bit of a baby face - folks regularly shave a good 10-12 years off my actual age when guesstimating.

Welcome to the internet. I see you already have a pretty good grasp on how things work around here.

This. So MUCH this.

Oh? I wasn't aware of that. Huh. It still looked awkward thought, didn't it? Or was that just me?

Okay, I'll admit I wasn't crazy about Voyager's landing, either. But Into Darkness was so much more egregiously - and wholly unnecessarily - wrong.

That's sarcasm, right? Sounds like sarcasm to me :)

Hey! I liked Andy Richter Controls the Universe.

Please share! How have you managed this feat?

There might some more-than-usual validity to this one since a medical professional did the measuring, standardizing the method. Because, seriously - most guys are straight-up liars on this subject and/or won't think twice about adjusting the start point all the way back to their a$$ in order to seize their advantage.

*waves from Chicago*

What do you think you're doing arguing logic? Logic has no place in truthiness.