
I'm enjoying the hell out of reading this article with the plugin installed.

I think it's up in the air which is the better way to alienate people - poring over engrossing games on our pocket nannies or poring over an engrossing book. On the other hand, if you're referring to HOW he made his point, then I submit he may already be familiar with your suggested reading ;)

Raze to the ground. Raise is an oxymoron here unless, of course, you meant the lifting of subterranean sites to ground level...? :)

So, let's say I buy this modem to replace the one Comcast sticks me with for $10/month. Is it much of a pain to get Comcast to come pick up the old modem and adjust your account? How easily is this swap done?

So, let's say I buy this modem to replace the one Comcast sticks me with for $10/month. Is it much of a pain to get

What a right tosser.

This is exactly how I've eliminated that worry, as well. Haven't seen anyone else at my gym doing it, however, so I was beginning to think I was the only one :)

This is exactly how I've eliminated that worry, as well. Haven't seen anyone else at my gym doing it, however, so I

You're making this up. Please tell me you're making this up.

Now, THAT'S a blonde bombshell.

Oh, I couldn't disagree more. Each has their place and I do love being able to carry a whole collection of books in a very compact package for my commutes, nothing beats the physicality - the texture, the heft, and even the smell if your books are leather-bound - of an actual book in one's hands. If you consider

Maybe....but you'd look pretty silly wearing these bad boys while commuting or exercising ;)

Wow....seriously? So, the American public at large are all suddenly religious studies? And how much hard, practical, reproducible research have they actually conducted? The answer, of course, is that they're not...and none. Or close enough to none to be disregarded. Scientists conduct research. They don't just have an

Republicans are bad for SCIENCE - which is what NASA deals in. Putting people who honestly believe that 97% of the world's scientists are conspiring and dishonest in charge of, really, ANY scientific committee is utter lunacy.

Unnecessary roughness. Can we get a flag on that play, please? :)

Sony already leaked. They pissed their pants.

Just open the animal back up and remove the excess. No need for blubbering :)

The angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.

"Flash! Flash, I love you! But we only have fourteen hours to save the Earth!"

This entire movie was one great big joke. The only question is: intentional or not? I walked out of the theater incredibly disappointed and disillusioned to discover that one of the people most closely identified with Star Trek over the years actually had not one clue what Star Trek was actually about.

Inalienable. Particularly apt here :)

I'd never heard of Push so I thought I'd give tonight but it's NOT available on Netflix streaming. FYI.