
Just as a matter of course, every time I set up a new computer I create two user accounts right off the bat - 1. the admin account, obviously, and 2. the account withOUT admin privileges...which is the one I'll be using on a day in, day out basis. I then never log into the admin account unless I need to do some system

It's a bed......a bath.....and beyond.

I found myself thinking that exactly. There were some musical cues in there that sounded like they'd been lifted almost directly from the Sherlock score - arranged just differently enough to sound a little more Who-ish.

No, please DO put it on the internet if you're doing this. And please be sure to include an easily identifiable shot of your face when you do.

You did see the part about "...steel/titanium inserts to reinforce stress locations...", didn't you?

Well, it's certainly cheap-ER. Still not sure I'd characterize it as "on the cheap", though.

Why must these forum threads always devolve into trash-talk? ;-)

Why the impatience to kick CDs to the curb? They're high quality, pre-archived backups. If my digital files get corrupted somehow, I can simply re-rip the CD. Plus, I just LIKE having a physical disc/package. It's not as convenient as instant access digital files but being able to hold it in your hands gives it

Because.......Apple forced every iOS update down your throat?

Come on. As fandroids are so fond of pointing out, there really IS an overwhelming amount of coverage every time Apple releases a hardware/software update or a new product. Surely, you knew to hold off a hot minute and check first what peoples' experiences

If Giz had wanted to do nothing more than regurgitate the article, they could have saved themselves time and trouble and simply linked to it. Robert's allowed to draw his own conclusions. I, for one, still value independent critical thought.

Cup o'tea.....cup o'tea...almost got shagged....cup o'tea? :))

$70 IS cheap...for good quality audio through wired headphones. The audio quality on bluetooth headphones is generally a fairly large step down, so while I would gladly pay $70 or more for, say, entry level Grados or for Audio Technica ATH-M50s, I'd really have to hear these before I'd believe that they're worth the

Not to get too sidetracked, but I absolutely adore those long, fluid tracking shots. At just over 8 minutes and incredibly well done, the opening of The Player is, obviously, a classic (and I love that there are characters in the shot mourning the fact that nobody does them anymore), but I also really love the one

I LOVED Andy Richter Controls the Universe. The other shows...not so much.

I give Nike a lot of credit for revisiting the matter and paying Davidson more handsomely. I still think that $600,000 in stock seems lean given extraordinary success of the brand and sheer scale of the swoosh's recognition quotient...but it's nothing to sneeze at, either.

You take your reasonable perspective and non-combative tone elsewhere, you hear? Here we use axes. And we grind 'em HARD.


Hey, look, everybody! It's THAT guy!* :)

It's probably bad form to dis the twin towers, but I'm bemused that ANY building could be referred to as "basic" when it's replacing a pair of rectangular slabs.

Never said it was. But they've implemented it in their Android phones. For THAT, I give them credit (even though the implementation may still be all-but-useless in the U.S.).