
Hey, that's snark. I recognize that :)

"the kicker..."

Try the show. The effect really works very nicely...and isn't confined just to texting. When Sherlock is in his head....deducing...his thought process is often illustrated in similar fashion. It quickly becomes simply a new way of imparting information to the viewer in such a way that the characters don't have to

YESSSSSSSS!! Although lord knows Hollywood will probably find a way to do that anyway before very long.

Yeah, I don't know about the rest of you but I actually do get a charge out of this kind of stuff.

The quotes were the giveaway :) Tea (Party) anyone?

You mean an actual record? Like a record record record? :)

You mean an actual record? Like a record record record? :)

Yes. Yes, it should. Thank you.

Confession: I STILL have Koi Pond on my phone...and even still launch it from time to time. It's very relaxing. I keep waiting for that retina screen resolution update...

Ah. I haven't encountered that, myself, but YLMV (Your Library May Vary).

Arrogant? Or simply condescending? Either way, completely self-centered tripe.

It's already been said and more eloquently than I'll probably manage here, but...the author has definitely brought her own baggage without apparently realizing it. When a thing is new, it requires explanation/definition. Hell, my mother STILL struggles with most of this stuff. For example, she's on Facebook...but

There's also - you know - borrowing books digitally from your local library.

This. I rather like the visuals; the evolution of exploration. But the music is the cheesiest kind of power pop drivel.

That's a lovely shot. Is it yours?

We were able to connect my wife's old RAZR via cable and browse the file system, pulling pictures right over onto our Macs. There might have been a 3rd party application involved. Don't remember right now - I'll check later.

Yeah, I wouldn't either. My wife, on the other hand - I have no idea how that woman made it through college and beyond WITHOUT gps. She sometimes gets lost on her way to the bathroom. At HOME. :)

Didn't some of those just become available for streaming within the past few months?

Not me. The color's nice but it doesn't do enough to break up the monotony of these very literal building blocks.