
Hehe....swallowed by the triangle. Wait, what?

Ah HA! So it IS aliens!

You mean down :)

Arrrgh! Too many people posting pics and discussing but not actually naming the damn movie!

Oh, I'm not arguing THAT. Just the implication that McDonald's gets some of the credit for his newer, healthier self.

"Hot under the collar" means angry. I think you meant something like...."excites you"; "turns you on"; or, "puts a rise in your Levis".

Let's be clear here - he didn't transform his weight and fitness by eating at McDonald's; he did it by exercising. Same with the other guy who added a 45-minute walk to his daily routine. McDonald's "food" remains unhealthy - they'd both still be MUCH better off with a better diet. If you control your

Well, I'm certainly most grateful that such an esteemed expert on time-wasting should deem it worth THEIR time to so nicely set me straight. Thanks.

Oh, hey look at that. It is.

Do you mean habitable? Or do you think this is an in/flammable kind of thing where both words mean the same thing?

Are you high? :) I thought the writing was fantastic. The performances were strong; the writing was strong; the effects were strong; the concept was strong (credit the original 70s version...cheesy as it absolutely was).

If the tat itself didn't do it, you'd have had me at "Alina Fokina" :)

Oh, let's ;)

Loved this show....when I was 7. And had a huge crush on Penny. But, in hindsight, what a truly awful show.

Not the exact version, but I've been wearing one very much like this for years...

Looked to me like a) they each had several cameras attached to 'em (head, one wrist...maybe an ankle-cam, too?), and b) there were other people there, as well.

Even WITH the fence, this public toilet's gonna feel pretty DAMN public.

I can't imagine feeling/seeing a wound like that anywhere on my person and NOT going to see a doctor stat!

I'm exactly the opposite. I rather like the parallax effect - it's subtle and adds a degree of visual depth that the entire OS is missing since they went to flat for flat's sake. But I despise the apps' zooming in and out all...the damn....time. Not only is it flash for no good reason but it's overblown flash AND I

To make sure users look even MORE like a Jerk.