
Erin Gray :)

I'd frequently been naming my computers for characters in the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe. But when I swapped out the stock 320GB hard drive in my laptop for a 750GB one, I renamed it TARDIS...'cause it's bigger on the inside ;)

Oh, please, dear God...no. Not Jonathan Frakes.

That second sunset in the city brought this to mind instantly....

"When you reboot your device, all those hidden apps come flying back out..."

If I had $90 million, I'd do BOTH. 'Cause there's no shortage of perfectly good condos available in NY with spectacular views for a tiny fraction of that price...leaving more than enough to purchase land and commission a home that would make my heart soar.

Is, uhhhh...is that what she said? :))

I'm frankly just surprised it took this long to get such a common-sense feature implemented. I mean, I know they want to push folks to purchase new hardware...but this just seems like good, basic customer service and good customer service yields more loyal customers.

Has it been determined yet whether or not the (ugly) icons we've seen up to now are actually going to remain in the release version of iOS7? I'm really looking forward to the OS enhancements. But I'm also REALLY hoping we won't have to put up with the ugly and the bad in order to get the good.

I can't be the only one who instantly thought of this...

Geez, who let THIS guy in? :)

I think it's telling that so many WOULDN'T believe the platypus...while so many DID fall for the man-eating tree (for example). People almost always think that they're good at divining the truth (perhaps others are gullible but THEY're certainly not).

Last I checked it was available for streaming on Netflix.

Now that would be an unpleasant shock -

Heehee.....gussy :)

You know, very detailed word-building can be done successfully, too...but, as with anything else, the writer has to be up to the task.

You're absolutely right...and I DO like the Star Trek "message". And I did like ST:2009 despite all the liberties taken by JJ and his team but ST:ID was just ridiculous in so many ways and managed to be simultaneously derivative OF Star Treks gone before...while being not at ALL Star Trek in flavor. Muddled and

I have to confess it - every time I see a soundbar come up in Dealzmodo I get a little excited. My television's speakers are terrible and I'd love to upgrade but budgets being what they are...

Haha! Or ever? If John reads this thread, it might make him a Grumpy Kass.

Underlying assumptions: