
Heehee.....gussy :)

Can you try again, please? I just searched the Lenovo site and I can't find anything there about them.

I just bought a second pair of the S4i because they were on sale for $38 at Newegg and because the cabling on these buds (or IEMs, if you like) seem pretty delicate so I thought it would be a good idea to have a replacement pair...especially at that price.

Oh, hello Android troll(olololo) - what a surprise to see you here. Surely you're aware that there have been apps that do exactly this available on both platforms for quite some time. So Google added it to the OS? Wow. Big deal.

It's a cute trick, to be sure - but I'd be more impressed if the software could take the footage and turn it into a 360ยบ spinnable VR image.

HaHA! Point well taken. No offense intended :)

In addition to the mystery, though - she's preternaturally beautiful, spunky, and whip-smart. I'd defy any character possessed of a Y chromosome and a heterosexual bent NOT to be infatuated.

Oh Cause and Effect kept me riveted...and I absolutely did NOT get exasperated.

Loved, loved, LOVED Sally Shipton....er, Sparrow. This, of course, having a helluva lot to do with Carey Mulligan's lovely, nuanced performance.

Exactly - and this is precisely why my giddiness is so completely out of proportion to the news itself.

So now it's considered "Apple-buttcrawling" (lovely imagery, by the way) merely to recommend good/useful apps for new iPhone/iPad owners? Grow up.

Most Conspicuously Absent: Battlestar Galactica

Yes, indeed. But once NASA perfects its warp drive technology...

My area in upstate New York was one of the finalists, I believe, in the competition to be the site for this project. We were all pretty depressed that we weren't selected in the end. But I really wish this had come to fruition.

Okay, well...the girls look good. But that's ALL I got out of that 'cause I didn't understand a word they were singing.

Yes. Absolutely.

I'm sorry - did you say Apple's RISE in the 90s? 'Cause by the late 90s, Apple was tanking under Gil Amelio and many industry experts were writing the company off as near death.

Illustrations only? Pshh. Lost interest.

Well I, for one, applaud you. It took a lot of testicular fortitude to be "that" guy.