
No, it wouldn't. It would be like our finding an injured humanoid by the side of the road, nursing it back to health and giving it the tools and supplies it needs in order to get home and then pointing it in the right direction. V'GER only achieved sentience and started building upon what it had been gifted AFTER it

Best. Possible. Answer.

Well, it killed my battery :(

I'll have some observations, I'm sure...once the sucker finally finishes installing. Seriously - it's been going for a good 45 minutes now...the last 35 or so indicating "about a minute" remaining.

My kids had sneakers that light up when they were three and six. These look alright, I guess, and they're sure a helluva lot more affordable than the MAGs but I really don't need to be wearing my kids' light-up sneakers.

pssst......lock aspect :)

So an OS that was released just one year ago is "antiquated"?

My S4i's came with their own tin, actually. I'm very careful to wrap them up and put them back in the tin between uses - the apparent flimsiness of the cabling has me concerned.

My barber just takes care of this for me...just a few seconds and no extra charge.

I love my S4i's...but a) they're not rinsable and b) the cabling feels SO delicate that I won't chance using them for any kind of physical activity. But, yes, they do give me awesome sound quality for the price!

Can't condone creepshots but yes. This.

Did you plan for that leaf or was that a fortuitous accident? That absolutely makes the picture.

This has been my phone's wallpaper for quite a while. The serenity and the colors...

Yes. There's a fairly large middle ground there between dangerous exploitation and lazy entitlement.

Lily-livered little punk ;)

This is what I'd like to know. My own small(-ish) town recently rejected a plan for a new library which would've cost significantly less than this...even though a big-name architect was attached to the project.

I see what you did there...

You mean beyond the quarter actually IN the shots? lol

You're thinking of Twiki. Twiggy - who's now something like 63? - was a grotesquely thin model back in the 60s.