
Great idea! Everybody LOVES "that guy" ;)

YOU act as if there'd only be a single person waving their phone/camera in the air. In my experience, there isn't one dedicated videographer. There's dozens. Seeing the stage becomes a game of juking left and right, up and down trying to find those fleetingly available clear views. I don't hate people who are taller

I knew I wouldn't be the only one to think of this :)

Well, they have a taste for beer....

Right. Because it's okay to block the view of someone ELSE who purchased a ticket.

Armband and/or headphones with inline controls. In fact, using the 5 with an armband means I'll finally be able to read and use the screen since the headphone jack on the bottom means it'll be facing me. Personally, I'd never set mine down where it could potentially get knocked off, anyway.

Is it just me or does the video from that 808 PureView look like washed-out crap viewed through a gauzy curtain?


Odd....almost ironic....that that one company would be Motorola.

Yes...this. You see them in the malls, too - a group of teens (usually it's teens though not always) walking along, ostensibly together but each lost in their own phones. I wonder sometimes if they're texting EACH OTHER.

No email. And my order status still says "ships: 2 weeks".

Wrong. You know you're a fanboy when you feel an uncontrollable need to twist absolutely anything the least bit interesting, complimentary or just fun about a competing product into evidence of intellectual bankruptcy.

They do this for the benefit of the accessory makers, of course. Gives the case-makers a really good selling point and thereby stokes the after-market........er, market.

Yeah, the mic + remote. I use Shure S4i earphones for this. They're not $100s of dollars....but they ARE considerably more expensive than these pods. Sound a damn sight better though, I'd wager.

If it printed free $100 bills, I wouldn't be complaining about a damn thing.

I really think your lady would much rather you help her deal with whatever the hell is ailing her. THAT kind of behavior would likely pay more sexual dividends in the future, too. Just sayin'.

Only $1,899? TAKE MY MONEY!!!

Oh, it's not that simple by a long shot. I love this film and Gilliam's steampunk-ish aesthetic.

That was my nails-on-a-chalkboard, instant reaction, as well. But when I looked it up....well, adaption is just a variant. 'Adaptation' still sounds better to my ears but 'adaption' works.

That was so much better than the movie.