
Good thing they pixelated the Apple logo on the back there.

Dude, you've got a WTF900? And you really like it, huh? I've got an LOL550 and I've been thinking of upgrading... ;)

Yeah, I'm a backside man myself.

This shooting challenge is going to involve a much larger than usual helping of just-taking-your-word-for-it.

Newsflash: There are many different companies making Android handsets but only one making iPhones. Apple is the biggest single player in the smartphone business.

This really IS a fine piece of fakery, though, don't you think? ;)

If I thought you were serious, I'd point out the potentially fatal (or at least highly injurious) flaws in your logic.

Considering that you're criticizing the labels for failing to adjust to the current realities, it's odd that you fall back on the old "recording a song off the radio" analogy. When someone recorded a song off the radio, it resulted in....one copy of the song. And subsequent generations of that recording would be

Just to play Devil's Advocate for a moment....most artists are NOT the Rolling Stones or Paul McCartney or the Black Eyed Peas. MOST artists are much closer to poverty than to riches. But it's ridiculous to think that removing money from the label/artist stream is somehow going to fix their situation since the labels


You really don't have to bind them too tightly - they aren't going anywhere. Unless you meant zombie bondage? Say, when it comes to necrophilia...is dead and undead akin to flammable and inflammable?

That's pretty spot-on, I'd say.

Looks like a number of you have already covered this. Thank you.

As impractical as that would be, I WANT THIS!

I see what you did there.

Hm. Well, he's Canadian, isn't he? We'd have to make him an honorary U.S. citizen, but........oh, what the hell. The trade-off's worth it!

Actually, I'd say this is about the BEST thing they could do with their "trash" - recycling it into usable furniture beats the alternatives by several miles.

My FrankenPod mini is still my primary workout music machine. I did the harddrive-for-compact-flash swap so now what started out as a 4GB player is now a spacious 16GB. I'm even still on the original battery! It's (the battery) definitely on its last legs, though, so I'm thinking I'll be cracking the mini open again

Ugh. I absolutely hated those trackball mice. My thumb was always sore as hell after less than an hour.

That was my personal fave, as well.