
That is awesome.

Government is bloated and lawmakers are corrupt. So let's give them more snooping powers and less oversight. America! Land of the...free?

I have no idea...but you're definitely on its good side now.

Come again?

Now playing

The Critic, I think. Back instead of up...but still.

When 56 years old you reach, look as good you will not. Or maybe you will. She HAS been having weight gain issues...

Ah-ha! Did Apple switch which apps get listed first in search results? I coulda sworn the apps at the top were iPhone...with iPad just beneath. So I clicked through on the top one and got the iPad version for $9.99.

It's showing as $10 in the iTunes App Store :(

Do YOU understand that the Earth is roughly spherical and that he was alluding to the resultant phenomenon whereby someone who sails far enough away from a land mass will visually perceive that the land mass appears to sink below the ocean?

It isn't 50GB for free - it's 5GB for free; 25GB for $9.99/mo.; 50GB for $19.99/mo. Only the sign up and first 5 gigs are free. At least, that's what I'm seeing.

I say we blow that hatch open and see what's down there.

Just the thought of a turtle "running" away...

Yep, the tan, wall-mounted rotary phone that I used growing up is still there in my mother's kitchen and still gets the job done. Those things were built to last, baby.

I preferred Office for Halloween, myself. The clipart collection was a LOT better ;)

With the path all bendy now, I keep finding myself trying to tilt or swipe just to follow the curves and end up missing the stuff I'm ACTUALLY supposed to tilt and swipe for. It's beautiful, though, and I'll get used to the new dynamic.

"It's not quite as good as the real thing."

What The Font? by MyFonts is in the App Store and purports to do exactly that.

Exactly what I was going to point out. Thank you. In fact, that top image looks a LOT like one of the grabs making the Apple-bashing rounds...

What is he still doing in the U.S.? I hear Zihuatanejo is nice...

Yadda yadda. Methinks that might be an anti-Apple bias speaking.