
Nobody needs effing botox injections at 23. Or ever, really.

Aaahhhhhhhh!! WTF is that??

Very appropriate use of "wee".

Well, cheers! They sure are buried deeply ...but there they are. Much obliged! :)

Erm, [raquettes...not] briquettes. Though I suppose there's no reason you couldn't do it with charcoal strapped to your feet...

I would switch to Tweetbot [gladly...except] that there's still no push notifications. Everything else is wonderful and looks sweet, to boot. But I have to keep Twitter's notifications active anyway if I want to be notified when there's a new mention or DM, so it just seems silly to run them both.

All this has happened before....and all this will happen again.

What's all this talk of indents and porpoises and what do they have to do with each other?

Although, to be fair....the commenters aren't getting paid and most don't employ editors, either.

Nicely played.

Yes, but between the change in nomenclature and the fact that hardly anyone used 10.1, they expected no one would notice.

"A couple of times a week the iceman [would cometh] in a horse-drawn cart..."

Ah, I see the game is afoot.

Let me get this straight. It's a replica - okay, "movie accurate", but still - that doesn't hover much less work on water. It "glides".....read: it slides. If there's no hover circuitry built into this thing, what on earth makes it so "high cost"?? Licensing, alone?

Oh, thank goodness. It's petrifying when all I get are blank stares :)

Yes! And cuts way down on the calories and carbs into the bargain.

By that logic, though, we should also reasonably infer that McDonald's is also a taste sensation. After all, they're everywhere the world over! But the only thing that makes McD's the least bit palatable (emphasis on 'least') is the toppings - the "meat" tastes like....well, not like food, I'll tell ya. I like

Uh oh...I think that got away from you a bit...

Actually, the English aren't a race, either....but I was just being silly anyway.

British is a race?