
Hey, don't knock it 'til you try it.

If those iMac ones actually WERE somewhat translucent with layered darker bits for the "circuitry", I might actually be willing to pay that much. Really, though, I'm considering making a purchase anyway 'cause they just look so nice.

There you go...bringing facts into it.

It's never a good sign when someone or something wants to slip you a mickey.

Hey, you! Get out of my head!

She IS pretty damn cute, I have to say....

Great. Now I'm compelled to get both - the bag and the kicks. Then when folks ask how I'm feeling I'll say, "eh...kinda flat."

This dude may or may not have any fresh ideas...but that's not a function of age. Plenty of young people come up with tired ideas, too.

I can't speak for anybody else but MY computer sits ON my lap

Your jokes could use a little more seasoning. Until then, perhaps it'd be best if you'd simply booger off.

You have a computer in your lap?

But.....we already HAVE pictures of black holes....

Well, this could explain a lot.

I don't know the resolution of your picture, the quality of your print or the neatness of your chopping and pasting but it seems to me that this has the very real potential to take a nice, serene lake scene and make it look really ghetto.

They must exist because we saw something very much like them in Total Recall and Back to the Future II. Right?

Wasn't Bismark a herring? ;)

Those big, brown, baby seal eye headlights go so well with the whaleskin hubcaps and all leather cow interior on my El Dorado convertible. *sniff*

Let's watch that again...this time in slow motion. I know, I know. You thought it already WAS in slow motion.

I see what you did there....

Yes, but how well do they run?