
I've NEVER heard him referred to as an anthropologist. Always as a crackpot.

Buffalo does - the LinkStation mini. BUT...only get it if you have a Windows computer for flashing the ROM and configuring the thing because you CAN'T do either of those things with a Mac, so far as I or Buffalo tech "support" could determine (unless you're running bootcamp...maybe).

That's what I was hoping for when I clicked through. Also, any notes on Mac compatibility. In my limited experience with Buffalo products, for instance, I've found that they CAN'T be set up from a Mac even if they can be used on a Mac network once configured. And their Mac tech support is, as you'd expect, terrible.

Also not posting close up video of it on the internet.

Riiiiiiiigght. **eye roll**

I think we all know that Joe is the only person who can satisfy the volcano god. Though perhaps he could grab Bieber when he jumps. For good measure.

Journalistic understatement. For effect.

Hey, didn't you play in Yes? You should totally jam with Stevie, man.

Young people often accuse the older generations of being technologically stubborn and limited but then there are all of these younger folk refusing to acknowledge any communication that isn't text or email? So, who's being inflexible? And pretentious, to boot.

Meant as a joke, I assume? 'Cause otherwise you need to read up on the subject of soil types and water tables, etc. - it ain't that easy.

Oh, I disagree. While I want them to BE reasonably antiseptic, standard pools generally LOOK antiseptic, as a result. I like the natural look of these.

Ring Around the Drain

May I just say - I do NOT want to know how to eat ANYbody's hairy crabs.

What, you think the rest of us might not have thought of that years ago? Jeez. Don't be such an icehole. :)

Okay, I absolutely LOVE milk but that is just disturbing and more than a little queasy-making. *shudder*

Because they enjoy using their feet for target practice?

Time to start planning for the Plutonian Polar Plunge of 2025?

Long before then, you'll be able to change your nail colors with the tap of stylus, if I rekall correctly.

Love that movie.

This looks suspiciously like it may have been taken at a porn convention of some kind (I refer you specifically to the *ahem* young lady below measuring him for, uh, alterations, perhaps?). I'm guessing this is Ron's red-headed step-brother.