
Watched it this morning over breakfast and the beginnings of lunch (it’s nearly 3 hours long), and man, what a show. What a cast. What a soundtrack. There’s no denying its absolute phenomenon status, and it earns every bit of its accolades. The first half is like a runaway freight train. From the opening title track

Her next album shall be entitled “Norman F*cking Schwarzkopf”.

I hate her and I don’t even know her. – kim L, McGregor USA, 20 hours ago


I got a Community notification for—oh wait, that makes sense. 

This is one of the 10 best “sitcoms” ever.

I’m really going to miss this show.

Fun fact: when I was 12 I created an Angelfire DBZ fansite called “Ulti-Saiya Trunks’ DBZ Hellhole.” It included, in its entirety: the title, three hotlinked images of Trunks, an unnecessary frame with mostly broken links, and a short “choose your own adventure”-style browser game involving Goku, Chi-Chi, and Piccolo

None of these have the requisite offensiveness for a truly bad Sandler movie.

Favorite album no one else would possibly mention: “31313" by Silent Siren. An infectiously hooky sugar rush of kinda-sorta-not-really-pop-punk outta Japan.

I liked The Voyager but thought it much weaker than her first two albums, so was surprised at how much I loved On the Line

(on a side note Acid Tongue is absurdly underrated)

Sharon Van Etten, Little Simz, Lana & Weyes Blood are choices I can agree with. Things on my list that didn’t make the cut here:

First Aid Kit!

OK, thought there’d already be this thread on here, but top 10 for me, in no particular order, except the first one

Jenny Lewis is probably my no. 1, haven’t completely decided the rest of my top 10 yet, but Martha, Danny Brown, Vampire Weekend, Blanck Mass, Lightning Bolt, Purple Mountains and Hot Chip are all likely.

Norman Fucking Rockwell turned me into a Lana Del Rey fan her cover of Doin’ Time for the Sublime documentary got me back into Sublime and 90's California Ska/Rap-Rock scene since Sublime was heavily connected with bands like No Doubt. In fact, I don’t a revival of the 90's California Ska scene since it has the

“The trailers made it seem like it was forcibly “for women” rather than being a good movie with women in it.”

No they didn’t. You’ve managed to confirm your incel nature though. 

I kinda am glad this movie exists tho. It’s so whack that it’s brilliant imo.

I’m disappointed at the lack of jokes about the Laurel Canyon sound. It’s like I don’t even know you anymore, A.V. Club commentariat.