
Best GIF, most helpful tip of the day, top comment, random prize drawings. There's a ton.

If you really want to get in design you should take a look at hackdesign. Lifehacker featured it on an article a little bit ago and it's fantastic. I've really enjoyed the course so far.

I've never understood people who complain about things like this.

Been using my ps3 controller for wireless play for quite some time.

I can't believe I didn't think of this before.

It depends on the game. A lot of indie games are much better on iOS than PC. Super Brothers Sword and Sworcery being on of the best examples.

Dear Shane,

Take a look at their knowledge base and check the optimizations section. If you plan on using this for torrenting you apparently need to buy the "pro" version for roughly $30. No word on why but my guess is the program monitors for p2p traffic.

The only problem is if the court was really that concerned with the fact that he stole that money from the company why didn't they give the seized assets to the company? Saying "You stole this from them so you're going to jail and we're keeping the money!" isn't logical at all.

To be honest, I don't own it. I just looked for one on Amazon with high ratings.

Here you go feel free to send me the remaining $800 you would have spent buying a new tv or building another pc.

Oh great, America gets another cheesy chip flavor.

I'm shocked at the number of people who are completely dismissing this MMO. This is the first MMO that's come out since WoW that I've actually been excited about. How can so many of you hate a game you haven't even played yet? Do you really think Bethseda would allow these developers to make a bastard out of their

Oh man I never thought about storing it at the bank. I've got one of each in the back of my closet somewhere. Years from now I'll sell them on the market and become an instant millionaire!

The OR looks way better than anything we've had up to this point. Yes, this generation still looks a little bulky but look at how thin laptops and consoles have started to become. Every new generation of a product usually results in it becoming smaller and more efficient.

Is that a beemo sweater? I'd wear that shit everyday.

I disagree, WoW in BETA looked completely different then the final end product because Blizzard was a great company and cared about their IP.

I recently built a gaming computer and I completely disagree with the statement that this will be the last generation of consoles. I love my PC, the games are cheaper, they look better, and free DLC and mods are everywhere. That being said, I hate the fact that when I purchase a game my girlfriend can't simply log

Where did you read the thing about Nvidia cards? I installed SEUS last week and have had an issue with textures disappearing and reappearing. I was going to try the legacy version anyway but I don't remember ever reading that.

I'm 23 and I've had my identity leaked 3 times since leaving highschool. Once by the highschool/college I went to (along with every other student who received a particular scholarship in Florida), once by the apartment I lived in (apparently they stored everyone's private information in a web accessible pages with no