I work in a hospital and our visitors are so gross. I could write a book but I was most recently disgusted by this:
I work in a hospital and our visitors are so gross. I could write a book but I was most recently disgusted by this:
As a mixer, the cheaper Kirkland is ok (it’s in a frosted glass bottle I think) but for martinis or anything without flavor added go for the pretty looking one in the tall clear glass bottle. I heard it was Belvidere though, not Grey Goose, but my boss approves and he likes the expensive shit
Chipotle paper bags. They have a certain crinkly-ness to them. Also they might smell like meat, I dunno. But 2 out of two kittens agree, Chipotle > Trader Joe's bags
The Balm Mary-Lou Manizer
If you want a good motel story, fly Delta with a connection in Atlanta. Guaranteed.
20 lbs of that awful casserole Chicagoans call pizza
On Amazon the individual pouches (usually the starter kit) are sometimes cheaper per serving than the tubs. I've ordered 3 times when that was the case, just in the last two months or so.
On Amazon the individual pouches (usually the starter kit) are sometimes cheaper per serving than the tubs. I've…
Hah, noooope. I made 52k and commuted a total of between 2-3.5 hours (traffic/weather variations) each weekday.
Yep, been asked if I would relocate to Milwaukee from Chicago. Apparently so desperate they'd pay for an apartment up there so I could keep mine and go back and forth.
There's actually a 50k level too, here are all of them: https://investor.vanguard.com/what-we-offer/…
I think I'm a little biased because they haven't noticed that I don't actually qualify for flagship status (no fees!!!) but my account was split off from a trust that did qualify (1 mil+). So yeah, loooove Vanguard.
Weird, I'd love to see studies too- I'm a whiskey lover but occasionally drink other cocktails and tequila makes me ANGRY!
woops extra post
The scale isn't on sale for 99- I only see a 10% off coupon, which brings it to 116. :(
Get your drugs at Costco, you don't even have to be a member to go to the pharmacy, and you can check the non-insurance price online. Sometimes cheaper than the copay... http://www2.costco.com/Pharmacy/DrugI…
It was a very large company. They seemed annoyed by the policy.
This is really hard- I told them I was moving regardless and provided a date range and that helped. Some places actually have policies though that make them hire locally or would require they reimburse your travel for interviews, so they just ignore you instead.