Herp Derply

The price of Tacomas in Humboldt, CA is ABSURD!

Commercial Production.

The editor (me) spends the majority of their day trying to explain why things can’t just be “photoshopped out/in” and I end up referring to a lot of production and editing assets as “thingys” because none of the salespeople have taken the time to learn any of my vocabulary.

What was funny in 1950 was not funny in the 70's and 80's. Why are there so many awful standups who can’t understand the concept of changing tastes? Like if you bomb, you bomb dude you don’t go make a movie about it. Like get off the cross Allen, we need the wood.

Hey so I’m a audiobook and podcast junky. What’s the best IRL sim to play while I listen?

Porn and eroticism has changed from the general to the specific. It’s not just an accessibility thing a la tube sites - these people are analogous to these kids’ lives - it’s no longer just a fantasy. “Give me X amount of dollars and I’ll say your name while I dance for you” - is something that would have melted my

True Neutral.

That way I can organize my thoughts however I want unmarred by the confines of the oppressive bullet or whatever digital analogous some over-eager programmer made up.

Now playing

This is cool because the MGS games always had an interesting game feel and physics engine but you couldn’t really explore them in different ways other than what the game wanted you to. I think taking the safety’s off player movement and interaction is in part what made phantom pain such a good game.

Also we’ve been

Sorority and Frats are nothing but idiots who paid to have friend trying to live out their 90s teen movie fantasies. I hate how they’re allowed on campuses.

I reject that shameless qualifier. There are things worth caring about in this life. Stand for something.

Super interesting how he made the cinematics work in his favor. It’s such a scripted game that I wouldn’t even think de-spawning and RNG manipulation were possible.

This conversation is boring. You complain like a baby boomer by the way.

Are monogamous people okay?

With what we know about the CoS it’s plausible but during an investigation vetting happens I guess time will tell. Still more apt to believe the women tho.

Better outlets for comedy my guy. You don’t have to lie to hang out - you love shitposting. It’s cool. Time honored internet tradition.

Now playing

X is basically the kid in highschool who ran like naruto through the hallways. He’s pure concentrated cringe and as far as I’m concerned indicative of a larger problem in music where marketing potential overshadows everything else.

Y’all wanna see some really funny? Wait for his verse, he’s not even on beat.

So why are you here?

Destiny 2: The Endless Quest to Polish this Turd

I gotta say the golden age Game Grumps Sonic ‘06 series is pretty great. I basically used it as a podcast around the house doing’ chores and whatnot. Funny stuff.

Yeah and they come up with cute names for it like “may-december” wedding or whatever.