Dating is not about “just having sex” - if that’s what you think dating about you’ve basically just supported my point.
Dating is not about “just having sex” - if that’s what you think dating about you’ve basically just supported my point.
Sombra piolet the Eva!
Somebody mentioned Splinter Cell. Guess I have to replay Double Agent again.
Hello Michael.
So everyone quits in a grand gesture of solidarity. Sinclair will shrug, not give a shit and just staff the place with people who truly drank the cool-aid.
Sinclair is also NOT a news network. They are a company that owns news networks.
Revisit Dino Crisis. It has some really well-done jump scares.
This is a very odd way to start an article like this considering who its targeted towards.
Played it last night with a random matching and we were all 1st timers and it was awesome. It feels like more intense left for dead.
He was texting Kanye
Thanks for making me laugh bud. You da best <3
Thanks for that.
Paladins actually feels like a vastly different game than Overwatch tbh.The buff-card system is interesting and honestly, I like how the F2P version has you unlock heroes so you learn everyone.
Fun fact about Super Size Me, nobody has ever been able to reproduce Spurlock’s weight gain or decline in health. This is not me saying that fast food is good for you or whatever - just saying nobody has been able to achieve what happened to him.
The company also said that it’s going to ask the advertising agencies that it works with to put forward at least one female director as part of their pitches.
I mean I dunno there seems to be some sort of effort here. They’re not pretending to be solving anybody’s problems just trying to further their brand and reduce…
Well, obviously that’s what you are dismissing. Games like this; for me, are not escapist entertainment their power fantasy fulfillment based around perversion. Prevision is a loaded word but these games are far to analogous with reality to sit well with me. It marginalizes women by perpetuation the “kawaii” fetish…
Yeah...and? Did you not see that I said FPS in my post?
Wouldn’t you say the goal of dating is to form an intimate relationship? Both physical and emotional?
But you’re correct. FPS games are about murdering the enemy as efficiently as possible, sometimes with a team. The win condition is “the other team is dead” like 90% of the time.
I feel you dog and I know I’ve got an unpopular opinion here but I don’t think these games necessarily help those people. People get their jollies in a lot of different ways and if you’re not hurting anybody and its all legal and consensual I say have a ball.
But having a “perfect” digital girlfriend that has none of…