Herp Derply

Ahahahahhhahahahhaahahahahhahahahah.....*takes breath*....ahahahahahahahahahhahahaahhahahah...*inhale through nose*.....WOOOOOOOOOOO - good one.

Every single HOA dispute: A short story.

Person 1: “Hey what if we started a homeowner’s association in our neighborhood so we can foster a sense of community and accountability so everyone’s investments don’t go to waste?”

Person 2: “Oh man that sounds great, ya know what would be cool too? If we did started a HOA and

Step 3 is a little easier said than done lol.

My agenda is to be apart of a climate that stops women from getting attacked, super not sorry that doesn’t jive with your priorities. In any case there is zero reason for you to be so upset, all those articles prove is that the vetting systems in place weed out false accusations.

Again, Masterson has not been formally

Thanks for the chuckles. I followed you. Excited to see your genius unfold.

Such edge, much success, very jealous, so owned. Wow.

Why don’t you shut me up man? Post some proof - but I suppose I’m not worth the time just and endless amount of trolling comments because I made fun of and don’t like Dan Harmon and you just cannot accept that. Anyways I have to get back to getting paid for my

lol college was some time ago my dude. I now have a career and set my own schedule you are a weaponized idiot who lives online. Have fun on /pol/ idiot. I’m officially done with your 17-year-old ass.

You’re comparing apples and oranges. The current climate of the Philippines is to kill anybody using any drug - not a productive policy no matter what your stance is.

Ah the cherry picker good strawman argument you’ve got here. You’ll have to excuse me if I don’t post the thousands upon thousands of articles of how women were justified to come forward with accusations.

I think what’s more sad than enjoying a game during down time in college is comment stalking some rando who rustled your jimmies because he was mean about your favorite writer. You’re absolutely right, it is difficult to get that sad.

Accept you. Who continues to reply. You could be the saltest person I have ever seen on the internet. I’m going to give you an internet point for it.


Don’t cut yourself on all the edge my guy.

If you want to view Dan Harmon talking about his, how did you put it? “sexual proclivities” (adorable phrasing btw, did you get an A in your human sexuality class last semester?) as some sort of noble act that’s your prerogative. I’m really not apt to give dudes a pass or a

He’s not formally convicted of anything, we’re just doing this new thing where we believe women when they say they were attacked.

I played the CRAP out of NNK 1. Did every single job board task and leveled up my base familiars an insane amount.

Thanks for explaining your position to me right after you said you wouldn’t explain your position to me. Whatever you say man. Hell of a hill to die on.

Enlighten me

Harmon is, and always has been a gross dude. On the early episodes of his podcasts he’s almost proud of it. Lots of stories about shoving sharpies up his butt and having a mannequin fetish and would routinely tell stories about like jerking off on them and leaving them around his house. Guy has zero humility and zero

When through something similar in 2017 and I came to an unpopular opinion.

Fuck it. Make money, look good in skinny jeans, go on trips, immerse yourself in hobbies,friends,family and things that make you happy. I’m 100% done with bending over backwards for anybody else but myself and people who show the fuck up. You

OJ Simpson murdered a person....trans and gay people merely exist along with women. If you need 3 sentences of backpedaling to get your point across maybe rethink it.