Herp Derply

If we’re not here again in 3 months I’ll eat my shoe. There are no consequences for this problematic douche - he’ll do it again, there will be another round of articles, another vien and hollow discussion of best practices on Youtube but most importantly everyone will get some nice ad-sesne money becuase somehow we’ve

I swear he’s figured out how to keep himself relevant and monetize blow back at the same time. Can’t wait for the 12 minute 1/2 hearted apology followed up by another incident 3 months later.

I’m so tired of seeing this dude’s face. I just want to play and talk about video games with my friends and interesting writers

Farmers markets are the best, we should have a farmers market thread.

Anyways - Elder Scrolls Online anyone? Just got it on steam and only level 16. Managed to get to most of the wayshrines on the map so I won’t slow ya down if you wanna play.

You’re seriously going to compare a surrealist interpretation of reality to the marginalization of non-cis people?

I kinda love all these formats coming out. Reminds me of the “___vision” days.

FINALLY! Going to snag DOOM. I also picked up Elder Scrolls Online for 10 bucks yesterday. Been a busy ass summer, looking forward to this weekends veg-out

FINALLY! Going to snag DOOM. I also picked up Elder Scrolls Online for 10 bucks yesterday. Been a busy ass summer,

The best part is when blue dress gets her shit rocked and goes “no, it’s okay” in the most pleasant voice possible.

Why; exactly, do I not need to wash my towel if I have one of these charms on it? Does Jesus keep it clean or something?

Question: Should I get into EVE?

I love space, I love RPG and resource management, building ships seems cool and also I do love games where I can have a show on in the background or listen to a podcast.

The game seems super impenetrable though, like how long into the game before you’re “having fun” so to speak?

It took me 15 minutes to read this article because I was laughing so much. The person who did that painting looks like he did nothing but practice drawing Ben Carson for 2 years and then at the last moment, he asked him to add Jesus.

I really enjoy Razr products but wow do I hate their logo. It’s such a blob and if it’s not large enough or if you’re not right up on it you can’t really tell what it is. It’s a shame too because the snake theme is really good branding there is so much you could with it as a logo but yikes the one they settled on is

Okay but is it like fun yet? I want to like this game so badly it seems to have changed a lot.

I would say “better late than never” but I don’t think Heather Heyer would agree.

“ I enjoy the work but I’m not passionate about it. I live for the time I get to spend with my wife and young sons.”

Who is still playing this game and why?

This is getting absurd. Its video games folks. The Tuesday rule does not apply to sitting in a chair and playing DOTA or League or whatever. Esports is cool and the dude probably fucks because he’s in good shape and seems decent but sometimes you just lose at a videogame and it really has nothing to do with the hummer

I’m going to star your post to make you feel better.

We’re only buying what they’re selling. You cast a proverbial vote every time you spend a dollar. Innovate yo.

If you want to make a game in 2017 it better be either

A. A card game
B. Team based shooter with MOBA elements
C. A Souls clone

This is getting old.

Got around to setting up a PS2 virtual machine on my computer. Been playing FF12 for about two weeks now and only had one crash so far.