Herp Derply

The sentence “cheating on Gwen Stefani” does not make sense to my ears. Not trying to sound like a white knight here but holy hell who does a women have to be and what do they have to do to keep your attention?

So does she play WoW? Or was she just bored today?

Cool concept but really lame execution in my opinion. This look like decent FPS with a huge gimmick that; to me, boils down to “Let’s Play” bait.

Yeah the “Let’s Play” bait that exists on Steam right now is unruly. Be as aggressive as you need to be man.

Great list but I feel like I’m the only person in the world that HATES cabin in the woods.

I got the Witcher 1 & 2 complete editions in the last Humble Bundle and I’m going to play through them as much as possible and then maybe 3 will be on sale by the end of it.

Yeash guys this is mainly aimed at very small children. Its whatever looks cute and at least its an orginal IP.

I get what you’re saying but on bomb defusal maps specifically Dust 2 which could be the most played map in all of video game history - the terriosts have a huge advantage already. CTs have to attack and a bomb plant does not mean you’ve lost. Getting rid of the fake defuse strategy would make it very difficult to be

Nothing you just described is an effect of cannabis. If its a rule not to smoke it fine, but it does not make you immune to upper cuts to your friggen jaw.

gimme gimme gimme gimme gimme

When my cousin came over with these games I’ve never heard of. Final Fantasy 7 and 8 I remeber saying “but I didn’t play the other ones”. We started with 8 and I was hooked for the rest of my life.

There are people who have problems with plastic wrap sticking? My first four attempts at plastic wrap are always static clingy balls before I get a flat sheet.

In my opinion its weight. A gun is a tool that is used to kill or destroy - that needs to come across in a game. Halo 4 comes to mind when I think of good gun feel - I felt like I was causing damage instead of playing with nerf guns.

Now playing

This is a free speech issue more than anything else. You don’t like Tyler’s music that’s totally fine but banning speech simply because you don’t like it is the very definition of a slippery slope. If you set a precedent that its okay to ban one form of speech don’t be surprised when something you like is banned later

I love the color dots and blacked out buttons - very sexy.

This was awesome and I do not understand the hate coming from the comments. I really don’t know what you want from a Halo game. We got tight visuals, fast paced action thats easy to follow, interesting and diverse characters, killer OST and what seems like a good story. If you want noble team go play reach - this is a

Jeez bruh.

How does this article not have pictures of people wearing the different clothes?

I mean the costume is crazy, amazing, and ridiclous amounts of awesome but is it me or are these photos photoshopped like crazy or is he just wearing insane amounts of makeup? Both?