Herp Derply

What is it about a romanticised medieval setting that is just so dam appealing?

The only special edition PS4 that’s worth a dam is the one that looks like the PS1

I bought Dino D-Day for 15 cents during the summer sale.

Honest question; what’s the point of these things again? I feel like a lot of these features are programmable on a regular thermostat and don’t they farm and sell your data from these things as well?

Its really not everyday you get a business minded person who is also so adept at recognizing vision and talent. Fare thee well Iwata-san, you’re swirling in the heavens now and you can go easy knowing you made the lives of tens of millions of people that much better.

Its a wish list of remakes man. Sure put the top earning CODs on the list but every single one? A vast majority of them?

Activision’s list stright sad fam. You ain’t got no other games bruh?

Anybody remember Snoopy : Flying Ace? That game was dope.

Hell yeah. I remember my mother giving me all her old Archie comics as a kid and when the original series ended, we looked everywhere to find all the special edition covers. Archie is sometimes the butt of jokes, like he gets lumped in with Bazooka Joe but it’s really a great series - this reboot looks great as Archie


Ya know pictures help with recipes guys.

I remember when the Back to the Future Tell Tale Game came out and everyone was like “wtf are these games?” now they’re like really beloved. Love to see innovation pay off.

If I’m not mistaken, David Cross writes a lot of flavor text for video games. One of the best examples was in Halo 2 where he voiced an NPC early on in the game. You could unload rounds into him but he’d never dies and some of the stuff he says was really funny.

Cool. New additions to games are fun and honestly after playing for 500+ hours I’m down to shake things up. TF2 is an old game by the point, “lets do something new” it welcomed IMHO

Still no cool looking huntsmen tho, best weapon in the game.

When was the last good bit of news from Star Citizen that didn’t involve people paying large sums of money for something they’re being promised in the future?

Day of Defeat Source anyone? I remember having the best time on custom maps, the sniper battles were unreal.

I swear to god somebody better be working on this mod. I bought DayZ during the steam sale but apparently its outlived its glory days, none of my friends play it anymore - something like this would be amazing.

Whoa bruh you better calm down...

I mean...do they know youtube exists?