
It always happens because the “ideal” woman’s body is closer to a male physique - naturally slender, muscular, low % of body fat - as opposed to women’s fatty legs. HOW DISGUSTING.

“I have a serious question here”

There is no question.

I think in the UK there’s been more going on about empowering and informing prospective mothers for a while. NCT attendance is pretty standard, it seems, and they’ve made efforts to reach out to different demographics. Right? But we’ve been doing this since the 70s and so it’s maybe progressed a bit more.

I’ve really despised Alice Eve since she said she stopped being such a staunch feminist after she lost a significant amount of weight, because she was treated better.

“Nothing particular, just a general vibe” says Captain Rational.

*does not know what ‘feminism’, ‘rational’ or ‘ideology’ mean*

Chelsea is posh though.

It would probably bankrupt you trying to get there though. I went once last year, didn’t think it’d be too bad as I got a lift from Tonbridge, but the train cost over £16. I am too poor for this city!

Yeah but it takes 40 - 60 minutes to travel anywhere so if you need to eat or drink it costs you £10-£30 and transport costs are stacking up. Everything costs here. Nothing is free.

You are me. E.g. I thought it would be really quick to get to Cornwall from London, whereas from home it takes about 8 hours. It’s pretty much THE SAME from here. What kind of devilry...

Yeah think of it as your little pal, nestled at the base of your spine, through thick and thin. You’re never alone when the herps are on board x

Ok it’s actually “All the other monsters will laugh at me. Like, “muHAHhahaha”. I’ll be so embarrassed! And scared...”

There was a ride in Blackpool Pleasure Beach, in the North of England, named 'Valhalla'. It was therefore all flames and water, one of those semi-flume sort of inside themed coasters.

It broke down when we were right near the top, stuck coming through a set of doors that would fling us down a super fun descent.

We just

Only guys?

Therapy is pricey. Unless you live in the UK or other country with socialised healthcare and get it FUH-REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

I don't think so. I've seen him round and about a few times, minding his own business, nobody bothering him. He's either in London, where people wouldn't freak out because they are jaded, or hanging about with poshos in Oxfordshire, who couldn't care about him or would be far too well bred to react.

Community movie, though.

"All the mummies and werewolves will laugh at me, like this - "muhahahhahahaha". It'll be so humiliating. And scary."


So lucky they've got you here to guide them through it...