
""Vindicating" implies guilt or blame."

Tell that to Mary Wollstonecraft.

"(For the record, I am not afraid of opinionated women either, in fact I've married more than one of them.)"


*picks self up of floor*


Are you also basically admitting that you at least one time had to do a really difficult poo at your friend's house?

But in terms of hit rate ANYTHING would get you laid eventually - just talking to women a lot.

What we need is an experiment of a PUA vs control male just being near and talking to female human people the same amount of time.

Acrimonious break-up reasons?

YES! And saying "you're welcome to go off and set up your own club" is disingenuous when the dominant group controls resources and refuses to 'share' with anyone other than their own sort, which in fact DOES prevent you, in the big picture and long term, from 'setting up your own club'.

I have often heard feminists address both.

If YOU never hear them addressing it. You probably aren't really listening.

I thought ATP was the festival for people who didn't like festivals?

I work in the city of London, in what should be a really boring building, specialist subject, old men, suits, and we have a shit problem. Shits keep appearing in places they couldn't. It must be a fetish thing.

She's had 4 #1 singles and her album also went to the top of the charts. That's fairly decent.

She's stalled now because her 2nd album was blocked by Harris.

Yeah, pretty sure women get that too...

Yeah being seen as worthless once men don't want to fuck you is the same problem as men all day long interrupting your business to let you know that they want to fuck you.

Fucking idiots.

Male tears.

That's not even true though. I've had intrusive comments just wearing a massive coat. Seriously walking home in a huge winter coat, and trainers and someone asks if I'm a nurse (because here they tend to wear skirts and sensible shoes?), and tries to make it sexy. Because nurses are WELL sexy, all that mopping up

Wait - she's blind, so would have had no idea, unless someone told her. Who TOLD her?


Why is bisexual in inverted commas?

SHEAR Perfection, surely?

Haaaa I've been with an internet person for 6 months and this is our ongoing joke too.