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    Yes, it sucks that society’s baked-in gender roles lead them to call you first every time, even when they should know better. But you can very easily put a stop to it.
    Our kids’ doctors and schools have never had my, or my spouse’s, direct number. They have our joint number. Every call, text, or voicemail to that joint

    I distinctly remember the ad campaign for those later ones, because of how incredibly bad it was.

    Yes it is a real thing - as long as you’re talking about diesels from several decades ago.
    On a modern diesel, there’s not even a hint of truth to it.

    A smokey display seems like a bad image for an electric automobile presentation. Are they not aware that the magic smoke is the only thing that makes electronics work in the first place? It escaping the electronic components is generally a bad sign.

    I dig it, as long as they do something about those horrendous and oversized wheels.

    You guys have it all wrong. What they’re announcing is the return of the manual transmission for the CX-5. The D in skyactiv-D stands for “Do your own shifting.”

    YES! Alternate spellings of the same model (e.g. RAV4, RAV-4) are helpful search terms to include, but “LFA” and “MR2" didn’t belong there. 

    Good thing he wore those fire retardant racing gloves. You know, just in case.

    And at least that much penalty for listing a fake price to show up in more searches. Your 15k$ Mustang is NOT a good candidate for a LeMons build, and there was no need for it to show up in my search as 1$.

    To be fair, no it isn’t. It’s never on the damn label. The label always says:
    Under 2 years- Ask a doctor.

    “I imagine Ford will try to make it a pretty fast vehicle to maintain Mustang dignity

    I didn’t say I knew nothing about her. I didn’t even say that what she introduced here was incompatible with my impression of her, only that it wasn’t a move I anticipated.
    I really just have no clue what you’re after here. Why would my claim that I’m an informed voter when it’s time to vote be controversial in any

    Uh, when was my chance to vote for Warren?

    Thanks for correcting that. The one I bought in college must have been from a different donation store.

    I am not very political, so my expectations may have been way off to begin with. But this isn’t what I expected to come from Warren, based on what I know of her at this point. I thought she was on the other team from the folks that claim to be all about personal liberty.
    Whatever the case, this move earns her some more

    There’s another way to “donate” your mattress. Just post it as free on Craigslist. Be honest about its condition. As long as it’s decent, somebody that can really use it will come pick it up and be thankful. I’ve done it multiple times. It costs the recipient less money, and I think some people are more comfortable

    Yeah. It’s not about the cost of the fee. It’s about the customer experience it creates. They put a price on the menu, but it’s only loosely related to the price you’ll have to pay. Because you’ll also need to pay sales tax, and a credit card fee, and since they chose not to pay their servers a living wage, a tip.

    Can confirm shitty Mazda dealers. I bought a new Miata last year. As part of negotiations I asked for a promotional interest rate that wasn’t supposed to be offered for that particular car, and they agreed. About a week after taking the car home, they called and said they weren’t able to get the rate on our contract

    Here’s the thing: It can be VERY hard to identify the shitheads in local elections. It can be very hard to identify anything about the candidates in local elections. They usually don’t even have websites. Those that do have statements filled with mumbo jumbo about being “for the people” and other meaningless stuff

    I’m missing something here. I get that the other two names were bad, and I’m in the camp that never even gave them a chance largely because of it. But how is “Abby’s” similar?